Yoitsme108: Elvenjediofnarnia17

Huxbread: I shall now kill you both.

Bennie boi: you're all being babies.

FN-2187: easy for someone with a good username to say.

Bennie boi: mine is not good. Poes is the best.

Starboy: its cause I deserve it!!!

Yoitsme108: Yeah!!!! Poe deserves it!!!

Bennie boi: well his boy is at least spelled correctly.

Yoitsme108: you're right.

Starboi: really??

Yoitsme108: it was for my Bennie Boi.

Huxbread: Fine. Since you love me so much. *shutters* do something for me.

Yoitsme108: anything.

Huxbread: change the name.

Yoitsme108: ohhh..... everything except that.

Huxbread: Fine then, jump off a high building.

Yoitsme108: *starts climbing a tall building*

Dino Hair: *drags her away from building* No!

Yoitsme108: relax Rey, theres a mattress at the bottom.

Dino Hair: I don't care. Stop bending over backwards for guys.

Yoitsme108: But I like guys.

Palpatine hoe: trust me, we know.

Luke Shake: Yeah....... we know very well.

Yoitsme108: shush up Lukie boi. Or should I say.... Luke Groundrunner

Luke: would you stop for once in your life?

Rey: ok. Let's all calm down.

Chrome Dome: no.

Dino Hair: ugh, how did I even get shipped with you?!

Chrome Dome: I don't know. I didn't ask for it either.

Yoitsme108: I wish Mitaka was here.

Huxbread: why? So you can torment him too?

Yoitsme108: no....... he's my frwen. He's my favorite Smolbean

Huxbread: how touching. *scoffs* stop talking like a baby.

Yoitsme108: you know what!!! Respect me!!!! This relationship stresses me out!

Huxbread: maybe we should end it then.

Yoitsme108: ha!!! You admitted it!!!!! We are in a relationship!

Huxbread: a relationship of pure hate.

Yoitsme108: hey, a relationship is a relationship.

Huxbread: how I hate you.

Yoitsme108: is it weird that I find that hot?

Dino Hair: yes. *face palms* that's really messed up. Come with me. *takes Yoitsme108 behind a curtain to talk*

Huxbread: ah, thank the maker. She's gone.

Palpatines hoe: I know right.

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