You rest your hands on his chest, letting your head bumps against him as he holds you close. This is happiness.

"Well, Y/N," says a shrill voice that, in the midst of Jungkook's warmth, you forgot existed. "I knew that you finally went and got yourself a man, but you didn't tell me that he moved in with you."

Sheepishly unburying your head from Jungkook's chest, you peek at your grandmother from behind the mass of his body. "Um...surprise?"

"Surprise indeed." Grumbling, Grandma picks at the bright orange of her flowing shirt and pouts like a child. "I walk in to cook my granddaughter a good, healthy meal, only to be shocked out of my pants ten minutes later when a tall hunk of a man lets himself in and says that he lives here. Ungrateful child. I all but raised you!"

Snickering, Jungkook rests his head on your shoulder and breathes into your ear, "Noona, I think you and your grandmother are a lot alike."

You slap his arm.

A split second later, the man's head lifts like a hunting dog who's scented prey. A slightly charred aroma is beginning to wavy from the pan on the stove, breezing toward you with all the ill intent of a project gone wrong.

"Oh no!" Jungkook yells, breaking out of the embrace and lunging toward the counter. "My chicken!"

He flips the piece of meat again, revealing the dark brown bottom that's been cooked just a little too long. The full swell of Jungkook's bottom lip gets even fuller, turning out into a cute pout. He pierces you with sad puppy dog eyes. "It's burnt."

The words are grumbled in such a cute and disgruntled manner that your arms automatically go out, spreading wide to twine around his waist. "It's not burnt. Just well done, hmm?"

When you send your grandmother an indicative glance, she nods in agreement.

Sniffing delicately, Jungkook buries his face in the crook of your neck and mumbles indistinctly, something about stupid chicken and frying pans. He draws back the tiniest bit to look you in the face. "I wanted to cook dinner for you. Last time, when I tried to make waffles..."

Trailing off with a chagrined look, Jungkook sends another scathing look at the chicken sizzling peacefully in the pan.

Tsking at the sulking man, your grandmother swats you on the thigh with a dish towel. "Alright, you two've caused enough trouble in here. I'll finish up; you just get out." Her wrinkled hands push you out of the kitchen, exiling you until the meal is complete.

You don't miss the sly wink she throws at you.

Sighing, Jungkook's hands drift to his neck, untying the bow behind his neck that holds the apron to his muscular body. "Noona, some day I'm going to cook dinner for you without your Grandma's help. She's going to teach me." He glances back into the kitchen, then clasps his hands on your hips, pushing you out of your grandmother's line of sight.

"I don't expect you to cook for me, Kookie," you say in quiet laughter, shuffling back into the living room as he moves you. "You didn't have to-wait, where are we going?"

He's guiding you back, far away from the door to the kitchen where your grandmother is humming quietly.

When you're far enough away for Jungkook's satisfaction, he leans down to look you in the eyes.

It's a shocking change of expression from his previous child-like mannerisms. Now, those big, elegant doe eyes are half-lidded and armed with a wicked gleam that spells out mischief.

"I missed you today, Noona," he says lowly. White teeth emerge and clasp around his bottom lip, slowly releasing until the pink flesh of his bottom lip is shiny and smooth. "I didn't greet you properly when you came in."

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