Chapter 7: Torture and Lonliness

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The van stopped harshly causing many things to slam into Namjoon and I. I groaned as I felt a stinging pain shoot up throughout my arm. I reached for the wound but I was immediately faced with the sudden slight visible light that I could make out through the blind fold.

They had opened the doors and it was the morning....the next day...

"Namjoon??" I called

"Y/N??" he said back in a state of worry

I tried to stretch out my hand to find him, our fingertips brushed against each other but ultimately we were pulled apart and thrown into separate rooms...

One of the men who had forced Namjoon and I to stand on our knees removed the blindfold that covered my eyes. The whole time however, there was a gun being held to my head by another man to ensure that I didn't escape.

I sat there unmoving as I could finally see my surroundings again.

The two men walked carefully out of the room I was placed in, their eyes never coming off of me till they had shut the door.

There was only darkness after that...a few patches of light here and there probably to allow me to breathe.

I walked around to each source of light and tried to find out what kind of a situation I was put in. As if advocating for my misfortune, all the holes seemed to be blocked by some kind of greenery. 

I tilted my head upwards: the ceiling of the enclosed space wasn't cemented. In fact I could see each and every tile of the roof.

Well that's stupid I thought to myself.

I looked around for anything I could use to pull myself up but there was simply nothing in the room other than a plant and a jug of water.

A few clumps of dirt here and there, but other than that...nothing.

"Ughhhh" my head flicked to my right as the origin of the grunt came from that direction.

"Namjoon?" I whispered to myself

I quickly ran over to the corner of the room and pressed my ear and shoulder against the wall, trying to hear as clearly as possible

"AGHHHHHHHH" he yelled out again

"NAMJOON??" I called out, my eyes filled with worry

"Y/N?" his voice came from the other side of the wall

"Namjoon??What's wrong?"

"Ugh. I'm trying to peel my shirt off this knife wound" he said

"Kn.Knife wound? from where"

"Ughhhh" Namjoon had finally managed to take the sleeve off of the deep cut and winced as he sat back against the wall...knowing I was on the other side of the

He sighed, closing his eyes shut

"Don't worry about it" he said back to me

I let my figure collapse against the wall as well as we both sat there for a silence


My eyes slowly drifted in the endless space of the day, the night and everything that made up the world of dreams...where nothing seemed to make sense...yet everything seemed real...

I was going to find out later that I had apparently closed my eyes to soon....had I been awake for just a little longer....I could have saved Namjoon... and Seokjin

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