Chapter 16: Chloe's Past...well Part of It

Start from the beginning

But how does Lisa know Mike? She always said that Jaxon Peters, her ex, was Lisabeth's father.

"Chlo?" Lisa called. I shook my head. "How can someone so pure be related to that monster." I whispered.

"I don't know why she took so long to tell you guys the truth." Ray snorted.

"Oh come on, Ray. Leave it be."

"No, Lee. They deserve to know. Jaxon is still looking for you, you know. You just uprooted and moved half way across the city. I've covered enough for you. Jaxon doesn't even care that Lisabeth isn't his. He wants you back."

I sniffled. "Everyone, please just stop talking." I wheezed.

Mama immediately rushed to my side and started rubbing my back up and down. My breathing eventually slowed and I closed my eyes.

I drowned out all other voices and succumbed to the darkness.


My eyes fluttered open as the sun hit my face. I yawned and sighed. My body felt like it had been hit by a ton of bricks. My eyes hurt and I'm betting, red too.

I didn't want to think about last night, especially since I reacted that way to Christian. I'm thankful that Rachel didn't give them the full story. That.....would've been a disaster.

Whether or not I want to or not, I had to get up. Christian's parents were coming today. I'm going to be busy all week. Begrudgingly, I got off my bed and stretched out my muscles.

I started my morning routine; bathe, brush my teeth, comb my hair, find something presentable to wear. I decided I'd just leave my hair out and put a black bandeau to hold it back from my face.

Since I was to meet my in-laws, I decided to just be myself and wore my jeans with a black, long sleeved, v-neck top and my black combat boots.

I decided to wear the necklace Mano gave me and my heart studs. As for the makeup department, I just applied a red lip stain and I was ready to go.

I grabbed my phone and jumped when it rang suddenly. I placed my other hand over my heart and glanced down at the screen.

Christian's name was flashing on the screen. Gulping, I pressed the answer button and held it to my ear.


"Don't you know how to pick up your fucking phone when I call?!" He snapped instantly. And involuntary whimper escaped me.

Remember, he's not Mike.

"Sorry, I didn't hear my phone ringing." I whispered back. I heard him sigh.

"Look I'm sorry about the way I answered the phone. Are you alright?"

I blinked. Is it just me or is the Christian Humphrey asking about my well being.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I cleared my throat and answered, "Alright enough to meet your parents."

He hummed, "I'm almost at your house.... are you ready?"

" just finished getting ready." I started heading downstairs.

"I'm outside. Tell your mom hi for me." He cut the call after that and I sighed.

Mama and Lisa were at the end of the stairs. They smiled softly at me but I could still see the slight uneasiness in their eyes.

"Morning. Where's Lisabeth?" I asked.

"Ray dropped her at school already." Lisa answered. I nodded.

I gave them both a hug. "I'll see you guys later okay?"

"Bye." They chorused and I went outside unto the porch. I started my way to Christian who was sitting in a baby blue Ferrari.

How many cars does this man have? "Morning." I greeted as I slid in the the passenger seat.

"Morning. Have you eaten?" he asked as I clasped on my seat belt. I hesitated but eventually shook my head.

I heard him sigh. I wasn't able to look into his eyes. Not after yesterday. I felt his fingers grip my chin and I gasped. He turned my head so I could look at him but I kept my eyes casted down.

"I'm going to take us to a diner and you're gonna eat, you here me?" His voice held a finality that had me agreeing.

"Good girl." He let go of my chin and thumped it with his knuckles before driving off.


Soooooo.... How was it? Tell me what u guys think plzzz...
So next chapter might be a bit slow but Chloe's gonna get a surprise so please read on.

Oh yh! I'd really appreciate it if you guys can share this story for me please. I can really use the help.

Anyway hope u liked this chapter... Bye for now!


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