~Chapter One~

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   Being a teenager in the modern ages is hard. Very freaking hard. Between a social life, academics, and everything else we are stretched very thin. Now add on top of that being a millionaire superhero's daughter and It gets even weirder when you add in the fact I can control the elements.

    At four years old I was dropped off at the tall building by my mother before she passed. She claimed it was cause she wanted what was best for me. Of course I didn't really process this at four years old. She told me to wait by the door and I sat there following the directions of my mother. After hours of sitting on the street in front of the door a man finally brought me into the building. He took the letter and set me on a table in a very messy looking lab. This man, who I later learned was my father, is more commonly known as Tony Freaking Stark. After he read the letter he laughed not believing a single thing the words said.

"You're a witch?" He chuckled, "what a joke." As he looked to me another man slipped into the room.

   "Why do you have a child?" The other man asked in a lower voice. He seemed completely confused and slightly worried at my presence.

   "Apparently she's mine, and get this she's a witch," He chuckled, "show me what you got little girl. You're powers." I raised my brow before cocking my head to the side.

  "What?" I asked my voice small and weak. I didn't know this man. Or why I was there. Just that my mother assured me this would be a good thing in the long run.

  "You're powers?" He asked more harshly. I moved back slightly afraid of him and his tone.

  "Hey Tony-" The other guy said.

   "Do you wanna see it snow?" I asked not understanding what they meant. They both snapped their heads at me before Tony smirked.

    "Its July," He chuckled. I ignore the words and waved them over. They stared at me as I closed my eyes and focused all my energy on the thought of snow. I opened my eyes once I heard them gasp.

    "Uh Tony!" The other guy said as the soft white snowflakes fall all around us. My eyes lit up as I looked around.

    "She's actually a witch," Tony said with a layer of terror in his voice.

  And thats the story of how I meet my father. He didn't just open arms accept it until he got the blood test confirming I was his. Then I moved into his home, living with him and eventually the other avengers. Steve Rogers becoming like a second dad, Natasha a cool aunt, and the rest filled into the family line up making it so I got to grow up with them. Which was amazing because who else gets to say they grew up with the Avengers. Better yet, who gets to say at 15 they are an avenger.

My father, until I was the ripe age of 14 was rather drawn back. Which in some ways was okay but left me with a lot of issues. I spent a lot of time learning which made me extremely smart. But there was a divide between my father and I. Some might say I have daddy issues but not in a kinky weird way. Just in a sad girl hours kinda way.

  Present Time

      As I was deep in my thoughts I hadn't even realised I had caused soft rain droplets to fill the training area. This happened when I had either an extreme emotional reaction or I spaced out. The issue with me being unique with my powers was that I didn't know much about controlling or taking care of them.

"Y/n!" my dad calls snapping me from my thoughts.

    "Sorry dad," I say as I stop the falling rain. I'm slightly light headed from the use of mindless power. "but I'm getting better."

   "You still need to work on your more earthy things," He says as he tinkers with some random circuit board. He always attempted to pretend he knew what to say or do with my powers but it was always a failed endeavor. Even today He was more focused on the news about some lame kid swinging around on webs dressed like a spider.

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