“Happy birthday Justin" I grab a glass from a passing waiter. And I hold up the glass to him “I hope you never forget this night."

I took a sip of the Champagne and rest the glass down before walking away from him. He remain standing on the same spot looking after me with a bewildered expression.

Raven walked up on the stage and called everyone attention.

“Hi everyone thanks for coming, tonight is a very special night it's Justin's birthday. So I want the birthday boy to come on on the stage here so we all can sing happy birthday to him."

Justin walk up on the stage with a huge grin on his face. He sit on the chair they had up there especially for him.

Raven start singing the happy birthday song and everyone else in the crowd starts singing as well. Next I saw them rolling in a huge black and white cake, with black and white cup cakes on the side. I saw people taking cupcake and eating.

I was watching the cake like everyone else so I miss when Luke and five of his security officers start blocking off all the exits.

When the cake reach on stage the girl from the restaurant burst out from it. The crowd cheer as she jump out and kiss Justin on the lips. His expression was priceless. It was a look of surprise and then horror.

“Ladies and gentlemen men this is my boyfriend's wife Nacelle."

Everyone was quiet after Raven make that announcement, the room was silent.

“Tonight I have put together some of Justin's life achievements. Please pay attention to the screen"

The video start with Justin as a baby, learning to walk then it when to his first day at school. Next was high school and he then his graduation from high school then college. The best part was clips of his wedding it showed him saying his vows to his wife, his vows that he had written saying how much he love her and how much he'll cherished. Next the video show him pledging his love to another woman. We can all see that it was taken from his security camera at the fitness center. Next there were pictures of him with various girls kissing. Then there was pictures of him and Raven. Whiles those pictures were showing on the screen we could all hear his voice begging Raven to pay his bills and send money for him. We could all hear him saying how much he loves him.

Justin try to leave the stage but some of the security officers was blocking him. He sit back down with a look of defeat on his face.

“There you have it ladies and gentleman." Raven said   

Person in the crowd started to mummer. Some of the business men that I had invited here especially so they could tell Justin that there professional relationship were lining up one by one handing him papers. As he read what was written on them his expression turn to one of rage and for the first time tonight I smile.

“I know a lot of you are wondering who I am and what's going on. This is not a birthday party. Some of you have been brief before the party. My name is Raven and for two years I though I was Justin's girlfriend. For two year I was the devoted girlfriend, paying all my boyfriend bills and treating him like a king. Then one day one of my best friend told me she catch him with another woman. For the first time in my life I didn't believe my best friend."

She then showed the security footage of me accusing Justin in the restaurant. Lots of people were staring at me. But that didn't affect me, what Raven said next was like a final nail in my coffin.

“I had asked my other best friend K.P to investigate my boyfriend Justin and she found this video of what had happen for me. As we can clearly see Nessa defended me well. During the investigation K.P had found out the Justin is married to two other woman and has several other girlfriends." 

I felt sick, I now feel like crying but I didn't I just wanted to be out of here. But before I could leave Jake come up to me and asked what happened between me and Trent. He said that Trent had left before the party begin.

I mumbled something to him and walk away.

Raven continue talking telling Justin he no longer have a home or a business, I wasn't listening to her, I was more focus on my hurt feeling.  All I keep thinking was that Raven doubted me, she had Justin investigated by K.P because she didn't believe me. What kind of friend or sister would I be, if she believe that I would lie to her about her boyfriend cheating? I would never think something like that if anyone of them. Had it been me and one of them  told me they had saw Nash with another woman. I would never think to doubt their word. It wouldn't have even cross my mind.

The next think I know, someone screamed, when I turn I saw Justin with his hand wrap around his wife throat. The security was trying to pull him away. Noting that Raven was safe behind Luke I didn't stick around for the big ending.

All of a sudden I started feeling claustrophobic. I walked to the door and the security let me out. I race down the hallway to the elevator. I couldn't get away fast enough. As soon as I reach the lobby I asked for a car to take me to the airport. The staff was more then efficient. Ten minutes later I was on my way to the airport. I had no idea where I was going, I needed to get away. I was no longer numb,I felt hurt and betrayed by everyone I thought love me. I just needed to get away far away from everyone I know. I desperately needed some Nessa time where I could reflect on my life and get my act together. I shouldn't be this hurt that my friends have a little doubt about me right? I need to learn to stop toting feelings.

“Ms. James I need to file a flight plan, where are we going?" my pilot said to me. I had been sitting in my plane trying to decide if its a good idea to leave my kids. I have been trying to come up with a solution. I couldn't just leave them.

“Tahiti" I answered him.

“But first we have to stop and pick up my children in San Francisco.

Even though I needed some me time, I knew I needed my kids with me as well. Now that my mind was make up I did everything quickly.

I knew if Raven or K.P found out what I was about to do they'll stop me. They'll apologized and they'll mean it but that wouldn't solve my problem. I'll still feel insecure in our friendship. My grandfather had once told me, people could only hurt you if they have something you want. They had someone I want, I wanted unconditional love and acceptance from them. But the thing is I needed to learn to love me unconditionally first. I needed to accept me for who I am. Nash was right it was hard loving me.

My jet landed in San Francisco and Antonia and Antonio boarded the jet. They were both excited. I told them we were going on a family vocation, I didn't mention where we were going. I know I had to explain things to them but I rather do so after we had settle in.

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