Prologue: Introductions

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Amaterasu: Greetings and Salutations, Readers and Writers! I'm Amaterasu No Mangaka, but my friends call me Amma for short. I would like to welcome you to my very first story ever since I created my profile. This is called 'The Inked Angel's Puppy', A Yandere Alice Angel x Female Reader Book. Now, without further ado, let's meet the cast of this book. First up is Henry!

Henry (Nervously Waving): Hm. Hello everyone. Henry here.

Amaterasu: Geez Henry, you could have had more spirit than that.

Henry: Sorry, I have no idea what I am doing here.

Amaterasu: Fine, I'll let it slide this time. Next up is Alice Angel!

Alice Angel: Why, Hello everyone! It's a pleasure to be here tonight!

Amaterasu: Glad to see you could make it, Alice.

Alice: Of course, anything for a Fan.

Henry (Pointing at Alice): Wait a minute! Why is she here?!

Amaterasu: Alice is one of the main characters in this story, Henry; it is called 'The Inked Angel's Puppy' ya know.

Henry: And you know that she is going to try to kill me!

Amaterasu: Yes.

Henry: Then why am I here?!

Amaterasu: Oh relax, Henry. I won't let her kill you.

(Henry sighs in relief)

Amaterasu: Yet.

Henry (Starts Panicking): No! I don't wanna die! (Runs off somewhere)

Alice: Where do you think he's going?

Amaterasu (Shrugs): I don't know. Anyway, The next character is the wolf we all know and love: Boris! 

Boris: Hello Everyone!

Alice: Wait, how can he talk?

Amaterasu: I thought it would be nice to give Boris a voice.

Alice: I see.

Amaterasu: And finally, the main star of the show! (Points to the camera) You! This is going to be fun. I hope you love going through my story with your hands shaking at every twist and turn I give you. Oh, before I forget: I own nothing! Absolutely nothing! I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that so that no one would come back to ring my neck

Alice: Why would anyone do that?

Amaterasu: Please don't make me go there.

Alice (Shrugs) Okay.

Amaterasu: Well, I hope all enjoy the story.

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