"Boys, dinners gonna be ready soon" You yell down into the basement before going back to the back porch with Dave.
"Hey baby" He says, giving you a kiss in greeting.
"I brought you a beer" You say in response, handing him his drink.
"I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you" He grins, kissing you again as you lean against the porch railing.
You had been staying with the guys at Dave's for just a little over a month now and you had been enjoying every minute of it. You hadn't given yourself a minute to just sit back and relax for the past ten years and you were really enjoying the time off.
In addition, you and Dave were officially back together and this was one of the longest periods of a serious, long term relationship you two had had in a really long time. You already were planning how tours would work and how you would try to divide your time between Virginia and Los Angeles once you began working again.
You were determined to make it work this time and even though you had said it many times before, everything finally felt right and you finally felt at peace with the relationship.
"Hey" Yells Taylor as he comes out on to the porch, patting Dave on the back.
"Hi Jules" He says with his signature smile, "You look as lovely as ever sweetheart"
"Hey honey" You say before handing him a beer and his dinnertime Marlboro.
"Oh jeez, you take such good care of me," He says, kissing your cheek.
"Only the best for my second favorite guy" You smirk and Dave gives you a thumbs up without looking away from the grill.
"How are the steaks?" You ask, looking over at the food while the rest of the guys emerge from the basement.
"Done!" He says before grabbing a serving plate and moving the meat off the grill.
You all sit around the table on the porch, you acting as the sort of mother figure—making sure everyone has their napkin in their lap and has taken enough vegetables before sitting down yourself.
"How's the song writing coming along?" You ask and all the guys mutter some kind of affirmative through bites of food.
"Dave actually wrote some lyrics for once Jules" Says Adam Kasper, "I think you might like them"
"You won't like them, you'll think they're stupid" Dave says, shaking his head at Adam and taking a sip of his beer.
"I won't!" You exclaim, "I never think your stuff is stupid"
"Aw" All the guys say together and you and Dave simultaneously roll your eyes at them.
"Its just this song about you—" He begins and Taylor cuts in.
"Just like every other song we've ever written" He quips and you kick him under the table.
"Its like a joke about how we met when we were teenagers and how intense our relationship was, its like a play on adolescence and young love but using acne as a main focal point" Dave continues as though Taylor hasn't even spoken.
"That's cute Dave" You say, smiling up at him and squeezing his hand.
"If you want to listen to it I think Dave and I are gonna record it after dinner" Says Adam.
"Yeah totally, if its alright with you" You say, taking a bite of asparagus, "Just remember Dave, Jimmy and Annie are coming over for dessert tonight"
To your surprise Dave groans, "Aren't they just coming back from their honeymoon? Will they even have been back home yet?"
"No they're coming straight from the airport" You reply curtly.
"Don't they want to go home first?" He asks as you get up and begin to collect everyone's empty plates, "Jimmy is gonna be so grumpy, he hates the airport, why do they have to make a pit stop here?"
"Because they miss us Dave, quit whining" You reprimand and he sticks his tongue out at you.
Dave gives up his complaining after that and you enlist the rest of the boys to help you clean up so Dave can record his vocals.
Since you'd been living here you'd taken on a sort of den mother role in the house, taking care of things around the house and the boys, riding the line between letting them be autonomous adults and doing little things to keep them alive. Usually you or Dave made them dinner at night and while they recorded during the day you hung out in the studio or cleaned up whatever mess they had made the night before.
Because of this you'd formed pretty friendly relationships with all of them, Nate still seemed a little shy but Taylor especially you'd really bonded with, you saw him as half little brother, half brother-in-law and you were so happy he was in Dave's life. With all the pressure Dave was under he needed someone like Taylor to keep him level.
"Alright Dave, ready to record?" Asks Adam a few minutes later when you all amble down to the studio.
"Yep" Dave responds, sitting down on the couch and pulling the microphone up to his face. You lie down on the couch with your feet in his lap and pull his note sheet of lyrics over so you can read it.
"I really like this" You say after you go through the first verse, "You sold yourself short Davey, it's really good and it is funny"
"Thanks Jules" He says, leaning over and kissing you lightly.
Dave starts recording and to your surprise it's a lot more intense of a song vocally than his other songs have been thus far on this record, at one point he's screaming so loud you think the neighbors might call the cops on you and Adam has to calm Dave down.
"One more take, I'll get it and we'll be done" Dave laments and just then you hear the doorbell ring.
"Oh that must be the happy couple" You squeal, jumping off the couch and pulling Dave up with you.
You answer the door enthusiastically, anxious to see your friends. When you do you immediately throw your arms around Annie first, and then Jimmy, who lifts you up and spins you around Dave style.
"Hey that's my move!" Dave yells as Jimmy returns you to the ground and pulls Dave in for a hug as well.
"Sorry dude, the ladies love it!" Jimmy jokers, "So what the fuck is happening in here? We heard the screaming from down the block, are you holding a dischord records party down there?" He adds.
"Nah those were some new vocals I'm working on" Dave says before greeting Annie a peck on the cheek and a warm smile.
"They sounded pretty insane, I'm pretty sure our cab driver didn't want to let us out here for fear he would be called as a witness at our murder trial" Annie teases and Dave playfully smacks her arm.
When the rest of the band comes in to say hello you begin to introduce everyone before you realize that they all know each other, you had forgotten Jimmy worked for Dave and therefore had known them longer than you had.
After a few minutes of small talk you and Annie go into the living room to talk and the boys go out onto the back porch for a drink.
"Thank god they're finally gone" Annie says as they slide the back door shut and you let out a deep breath, "We need to discuss what you told me on the phone a few days ago"
"Oh..." You say in a low tone, "Yeah...that" You add, not sure what else to say. You were really afraid she would broach this topic and you really didn't want to discuss it, although you knew you had to.
"Julia this is really serious" She says, making eye contact with you, all traces of humor gone from her face.
"I mean yes and no, nothing is for sure yet" You say, trying to brush of her concern but your voice is shaking too much for that to be the case.
"Julia you need to tell me right now, when was the last time you got your period" She asks and when she says it out loud your heart stops.
"I don't know" You mutter and when she shoots you another stern glance you answer more honestly, "Over a month ago"
"And when was the last time you had unprotected sex?"
"Your wedding night" You whisper before sitting down on the couch and putting your head in your hands, "Over a month ago"

The Punk and the Princess (A Dave Grohl Fanfiction)
FanfictionBefore the Foo Fighters, before Nirvana, before even Scream, there was a girl. Julia Maxwell caught Dave's attention from the moment they first met. Dave was starting a new school and Julia was assigned to be Dave's math tutor. From that moment on...