Ch. 31 - End Over End

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"Dave?" You call out as you enter the dark first floor of his house, even though it was afternoon not a light was on and all the curtains are all shut. Your heart starts to beat faster when you realized you couldn't immediately locate Dave.

Because of the reason behind your coming to town you're more freaked out than you ever would've been otherwise at Dave's apparent disappearance.

"Dave!" You scream in fear, running into each room and checking for him. Finally you find him the last place you expected: the bathtub, fully clothed, tears running down his face, crying so hard he was visibly shaking.

You look at the scared, hurt, vulnerable boy in front of you and  your heart breaks for him. He looked so lost and so visibly pained that you immediately run to him and pull him out of the tub and into your arms.

Seeing him in this state strikes a cord in you that completely flips everything upside down. Suddenly you don't feel like an ex-girlfriend from years ago, you have so much love and sympathy for him swelling to the surface that you feel the need to take on the girlfriend role, to act as his protector, as though nothing has changed between the two of you since 1986.

"Oh Dave..." You whisper, stroking his hair and kissing his forehead gently. It takes everything you have not to collapse into a fit of tears yourself but you know you need to be strong for Dave. That's the role you've decided you need to take on, you need to be his rock. You need to always be there, never wavering.

"Baby, talk to me" You whisper, "Where is everyone, why is no one here?"

What you really want to say is who thought it was ok to leave him alone, with what he was going through at the very least you thought someone would've checked up on him but it seems as though he'd been alone all morning.

"I dunno." He blubbers, "I didn't answer any calls but yours and my mom's—her and Jim are on the way" He says and you nod.

"Who else called you? Have you seen anyone?" You ask in almost a whisper, "Did Jennifer call you?"

Jennifer was the girl he had most recently dated. Though they had broken up a few weeks ago you had met her and she was a kind person. If she had heard the news you thought she might've come by.

"She left a message but I didn't answer. No one has come by" He says in strained voice and you kiss his forehead again.

Dave didn't know a ton of people in Seattle and not a lot of people knew what was happening with Kurt before today so you did sort of understand the lack of visitors even so, some people should've checked up on him this morning. You mentally kick yourself not for coming to Seattle when he called you earlier in the week, you should have been on call, ready and with him for the event you all knew was coming.

"I'm sorry Dave, I should've been here" You say, biting your lip as he begins to cry again.

"He promised me he wasn't going to die" He whimpers, ignoring your apology, "He told me Rome was a mistake"

"I know. Sshh, I know" You respond, pulling him even closer so he's basically curled in your lap. You rock him back and forth for what seems like forever, as though he was a little kid.

"Can I make you something to eat?" You ask after he stops crying over an hour later.

"I'm not hungry." He shrugs, his voice raw from hours and hours of weeping.

"You need something" You sigh standing up gingerly and running a hand through his hair.

"Tea" He says softly and you immediately head into the kitchen. You were grateful for his request; you couldn't have held back your emotions for much longer, you needed to be away from him for a minute to pull yourself together.

The Punk and the Princess (A Dave Grohl Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now