Ch. 1 - But It's You I Fell Into

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I'm back everyone! Sorry I've taken so long to put a new story on here I just wanted to write the majority of the story before I published it so once I started I didn't feel like I had to meet a deadline/leave you guys waiting too long when writing new chapters! I know this isn't a rhcp fic like the name of my account might suggest it should be but I love this story a lot and it has a really special place in my heart since I've been working on it for almost a year. I hope you guys love it as much as I do!! Please vote/comment so more people can find out about this story :)) love you all so much ❤️

"Julia your friends are here!" Your mom shouts from downstairs. Her yelling was in response to the excessive honking coming from outside your house.

"Coming!" You yell, grabbing your lip-gloss off your dresser and your bag off the floor.

You hurry downstairs, wave goodbye to your mom, and run out to the car before all your neighbors went ballistic on you. Your mom barely has time to yell, "Have a good first day back," before you got out the door.

You avoided the piles of snow and carefully navigated the black ice on your sidewalk in order to make it to the car safely. Finally you made it and hopped in.

"Christie what the hell, you woke up the entire neighborhood!" You say half jokingly, half seriously as you slammed the door to her dad's BMW closed.

"Calm down, Jules—no one cares but you" She says as a she pulls out of your driveway.

Christie was a junior who was on the cheerleading squad with you. Of all the team members you liked her the least and thought she was the most stuck up out of all of them. It didn't help her ego that she got named cheerleading captain as a junior, which before her hadn't happened in a decade. Ever since then she acted like she could do no wrong.

"You look so cute in your uniform! I'm so glad you got pushed up to varsity this semester so you can wear it to school with us" Says Karen, Christie's best friend who was infinitely kinder than the her counterpart.

"Thanks" You respond, as you look down at the itchy red and white polyester uniform you were wearing.

You hadn't exactly wanted to wear it to school but Christie insisted that the varsity girls wear it every day so we could be distinguished more easily from the crowd. She was very into rankings of social groups and she thought the uniforms automatically set the team apart and brought you to the top of the social spectrum.

You spend most of the car ride in silence, interjecting occasionally but mostly just listen to Christie go over what we would do at practice after school. If you heard her review one more tumbling routine or pyramid procedure you might actually hurl yourself out of the moving car.

When you got to school Christie dropped you and Karen off in front and then sped off to her parking space. You sighed in relief and Karen laughed understandingly as you walked into school together.

"Have a good first day of second semester" Karen said as she started off towards the junior block of lockers and you headed towards your geometry class in the math wing.

As you walked you didn't pay attention to what was around you and all of sudden you heard the sound of wheels on the ground and felt something hot hit the back of your leg.

"What the . . ." You yell as you turn around to see three burnout looking boys. Two of whom are holding cups of coffee, the last one clutching a skateboard and attempting to clean up his coffee that was now on the floor.

"Were you guys not looking at all, why would you skateboard down the halls of the school? Especially while holding coffee, you almost got it on my uniform! These have to be dry cleaned!" You exclaim stomping your foot and trying to figure out how to get the excess coffee off your shoes before you got to class.

"Sorry princess" The one with the skateboard says with a smirk as his friends do the same.

"Its plain rude" You continue, rolling your eyes and starting to walk away again.

"Bye-bye princess" Yells one of them as you go and you turn around to see one of the skateboarder's friends—the taller one—wink at you.

You blush and start to walk faster until you reach your class. When you get in you see that you're one of the first kids there and immediately walk to your desk in the back with your head down.

"Julia, I'm glad you got here early, could you come up here for a minute and talk to me," Your teacher says before you can even sit down.

"Sure Mr. Owens" You say though you're slightly confused, you don't know what he would have to talk to you about at this point in the semester.

"First and foremost, how was your Christmas dear?" He asks with a kind smile.

"Very lovely Mr. Owens. And yours?"

"Enjoyable. We all enjoy the time off, time with family" He says, shuffling some papers on his desk, "Anyway Julia I wanted to run something by you"

"Sure Mr. Owens, what's up?" You ask becoming more and more curious.

"Well we have a new transfer student in class this semester. He's just starting here and from his transcripts I've noticed that he's had some trouble with math in the past." He says and you think you know where this is going, "However, you have been one of my most promising students this year and I checked your schedule and noticed the two of you have the same study hall"

"And you'd like me to help him out this semester with the math" You finish his thought for him with a smile.

"Yes, precisely! Only for the first few weeks though, I thought I would seat the two of you near each other and if he has any questions while we do classwork he can ask you for help. Plus during your study period you guys can meet up, once every couple days and just check in that he's understanding the material." He says with a smile.

"Sure Mr. Owens, it would be my pleasure" You say with a smile. You weren't exactly enthused about this setup or losing your study hall but it didn't seem like you had a choice.

"Wonderful!" He exclaims excitedly before looking over to the doorway of the classroom, "Our new student is actually coming in now, I'll introduce the two of you before class gets too crowded"

You turn around to see the last person you expected to be tutoring. It was tallest of the burnout guys who you had yelled at this morning, the one who called you princess the second time and winked at you.

"Hi, I'm Dave" He says shaking Mr. Owens' hand and once again winking at you. Before you even realize what's happening you feel yourself blushing once again.

The Punk and the Princess (A Dave Grohl Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now