Ch. 11 - If Anything Could Ever Feel This Real Forever

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"So are you excited to meet Jimmy?" You ask, nudging your friend Annie as you walk out of school and to her car.

You hadn't seen your best friend much this semester, what with cheer for the first few weeks, and your new relationship with Dave more recently, and you were excited to reconnect with her.

"Totally" She says, rolling her eyes, "I've told you a million times Jules I don't want to be set up!"

"I swear on my life Annie—you'll love Jimmy! He's the sweetest guy" You persist.

"I'm totally down with you dating a punk, I could give a shit about Dave's social scene as long as he makes you happy, but I'm not comfortable with it for myself. It's a personal problem but tell Jimmy not to take it personally" She says rolling down the windows as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"Jimmy isn't a punk!" You whine, "He's a normal Virginia guy—he's cool I swear. He's a little rough around the edges but not in a punk way, just in a he-will-work in-construction-instead-of-going-to-college kind of way. And its not like any of that matters, you aren't looking for a soul mate right now, we're 16"

No matter what you say Annie still isn't convinced, "Listen, all you have to do is go to dinner with us before Dave's show. If you have a good time, you can go to the show with us and continue having a good time...and if you have a shitty time just fake food poisoning and go home. No big deal"

"Fine!" She says finally, "But you owe me. And when I go home you're going with me"

A few hours, you're sitting in a booth at a pizza place in DC, next to Dave and across from Jimmy and Annie. Contrary to the way Annie thought the evening would pan out she was actually having a pretty great time, you could tell by the way she looked at Jimmy that she liked him, and vice versa.

"See, I told you they'd get along" Dave whispers in your ear when Annie and Jimmy go to get more sodas.

"Right again Grohl" You whisper back, giggling as you see Jimmy pelting Annie with straw wrappers and her dodging them.

"You look so sexy tonight" Dave says, pushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear and putting his hand on your knee, "I don't want to wait to be alone with you until after my show. I wish we could just go somewhere now." He whispers.

"Yeah well you'll have to wait" You say, planting a kiss on his lips and he laughs in spite of himself.

"You're so cute" He says, placing his arm around your shoulder.

"I'm probably so cute because I'm so happy." You say, before explaining further, "Everything is working out perfectly—I get my perfect boy, aka you, plus our two best friends are together so we can double date and no one feels left out, plus your band is doing well, plus all those guys seem to like me, plus your math grade has gone from a D to a B!"

"Wow it does sound like things are going really well for you" Dave replies with a laugh.

Once you get to the show and Dave gets on stage you mingle easily around with all the people, introducing different people to Annie since most of them already knew Jimmy.

"Hey kiddo" Says Pete Stahl, ruffling your hair and giving you a peck on the cheek.

"Hi! How are you liking the show?" You ask him enthusiastically.

"Your boyfriend is on fire tonight!" He yells and you laugh.

"Isn't he always though?" You ask and Pete burps as a response.

"Listen Julia, I gotta take off but you tell lover boy to give me a call sometime—me and the boys have something we want to talk to him about" He says with a glint in his eye and you nod even though you can't figure out what he could mean.

Only minutes later Dave's set ends and he comes bounding backstage, wrapping you up in giant hug as soon as he sees you.

He lifts you up off the ground and kisses you all over your face before you can even get a word in, your usual ritual.

"Dave, Dave, you did awesome!" You scream and he smiles before kissing you again.

"That's because I got my good luck charm right here backstage!" He murmurs between kisses.

"Hey listen before I forget, one of the Stahl brothers said to call him, he said he has something to talk to you about" You say and Dave freezes.

"Oh my god are you serious?" He asks, letting you back down onto the ground and looking shocked.

"Yeah why? What's up?" You ask curiously, somewhat unnerved by his reaction.

"Their drummer just quit like a week ago because he's having a kid and I saw a flyer at the record store saying they're looking for a replacement, what if they ask me to join their band...holy shit!" He screams, picking you up again and spinning you around.

Later that night Jimmy pulls up to Dave's house and drops both of you off, "Hey Dave do you mind driving Julia home, I'm gonna drop Annie off her house" Jim says.

You look at Annie for reassurance and she gives you a nod and wink so you know she's ok with it.

"Totally cool man" Says Dave, tipping his baseball hat Jimmy, "Have fun you crazy kids"

"Bye! See you Monday, Annie...I have a feeling we'll have a lot to talk about" You say, giving her a hug before you exit the car.

"You want to come in for a minute?" Dave asks and you nod. He very quietly opens his door and puts a finger to his lips to signify the need for discretion while moving through the house.

He puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you to his room, where he closes the door. The lights are still off and the only illumination is the moon shining through Dave's baseball curtains.

"You looked so beautiful all night" Dave says reaching out and touching your hair.

"You looked good too, you're so hot behind that drum set" You say and without warning Dave leans forward and kisses you, pushing you roughly down onto the bed.

You kiss for a few minutes and before you know it both of you are shirtless and you're moving to unbutton Dave's pants.

"Whoa, whoa wait a minute, listen Julia I'm totally fine with this and whatever is happening but you have to tell me when to stop" Dave pants, putting his hands up and you blush.

"I don't want to stop—at all" You whisper and his eyes get wide.

"Are you serious?" He asks and you nod.

"Everything is so perfect right now and I'm so happy, you make me so comfortable. I'm ready Dave." You say and he swallows nervously before rummaging in his nightstand and pulling out a condom.

"This is your first time right?" He asks and you nod, suddenly more aware of everything.

"Yes" You whisper, suddenly aware of the fact that it definitely wasn't his first time. All your fears melt away though, when he kisses your forehead tenderly.

His gentle and respectful demeanor reassures you and suddenly you aren't as nervous.

"You're perfect" He says and you smile, "You're sure you want this?" He asks one last time.

"Yes. I'm completely sure"

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