"I'm exhausted" You groan as Dave shakes you awake, "I feel like we only just got to San Francisco"
"Well you better get your shit together because first of all its 4 in the afternoon and second its new years eve so its gonna be a late night"
"Oh please, its New Years Eve, the night will be done at like one am tops, its amateur hour." You say, rolling your eyes.
"Well we gotta change that! Come you're going to a Nirvana new years eve" He says and you giggle as he throws himself down next to you on the bed.
"Or we could just stay here. . ." He adds as an after thought, leaning over to kiss you.
"You wish!" You yell, kissing him lightly and then jumping up, "But it's a Nirvana new years eve!"
You go across the room to your suitcase and pull out a tight, tank-top style dress and your favorite jean jacket. You throw on some docs and thick socks and Dave puts on his own ensemble: a black hoodie, long johns and black basketball shorts.
Once you're both dressed you go out to the van outside the hotel with the rest of the band.
"Everyone in?" Asks the driver as you pile in next to Shelli and Krist. You wave to them and then greet Kurt and Courtney in the backseat.
Almost immediately after you sit down Dave pulls out a cigarette. As you drive to the venue you and Dave trade drags and talk amongst yourselves.
"So how have I not met the bands you're on tour with? You've been playing shows with them the past four days but you guys don't go out afterwards or anything?" You ask and he shrugs, "In the punk scene everyone was friends, what's different about this, you're all in the 'grunge' scene?" You ask and everyone groans.
"Say that word again and I'll puke all over this car" Courtney warns and you roll your eyes at her teasingly.
"I don't know. We just don't really know Pearl Jam, I talked to them at sound check once, they seem like cool guys, I don't really know what the problem is. As for the Peppers, you've met them dude, multiple times! We were with them a few nights ago, out drinking with Chad." Dave reminds you.
"Oh duh! Right, I love Chad. I want to meet Pearl Jam though" You reply and Dave chuckles before putting his arm around your shoulders.
"I'll see what I can do princess" He whispers.
Once you get to the venue you've barely put your stuff down before Dave comes in to tell you Pearl Jam are still on stage doing sound check.
"I can't wait to meet them, I heard one of their songs on the radio the other day and I really, really liked it! Would it be weird to tell them that?" You ask and Dave laughs.
"Any press is good press I guess" He shrugs and places a hand at the small of your back, leading you to the stage where they're practicing. You see Kurt and Courtney standing to the side, sort of talking but more so whispering among themselves.
As you watch the band there's something familiar about the lead singer's silhouette and demeanor too, but you can't put your finger on what. However, when he turns around at the end of the song your breath catches in your throat.
"Jules?" Eddie Vedder says as he makes eye contact with you, "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, hey Ed" You say tentatively, giving him a hug in greeting, "Long time no see."
"Seriously though, how'd you get backstage?" He asks, a grin on his face so genuine that you can't help but smile back.
"My um—I know Dave, the drummer for Nirvana" You say and Eddie's eyebrows wrinkle together.

The Punk and the Princess (A Dave Grohl Fanfiction)
FanfictionBefore the Foo Fighters, before Nirvana, before even Scream, there was a girl. Julia Maxwell caught Dave's attention from the moment they first met. Dave was starting a new school and Julia was assigned to be Dave's math tutor. From that moment on...