Ch. 2 - Pleased to Meet You Take My Hand

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"David Grohl, is it?" Mr. Owens asks warmly, shaking his hand, "and you're the junior transfer from Bishop Ireton is that correct?"

"Yes I am!" Dave says with a huge smile and more enthusiasm than you'd ever seen in a math class, especially one during first period.

You look closely at him, for a burnout he was actually quite handsome, though totally not your type.

He wore black, tight jeans with rips all over them, seemingly from wear and tear. There were white paint stains all over one leg and you couldn't help but wonder if he was an artist or if this was just a stylistic choice.

His shirt had cut-off sleeves and the front had the name of some band that you couldn't even read, it didn't seem to be in English.

Aside from all of his clothes he was undeniably attractive. He was tall and skinny and had a face full of chiseled features. His dark hair fell right at his shoulders and even though you normally didn't like long hair on guys it looked just right on him.

"I'm Julia Maxwell, I'm going to be helping you out with math the first few weeks of the semester" You say holding out your hand daintily and he shakes it, smirking the entire time.

"Nice to meet you Julia," He says brushing his hair out of his eyes, "Lovely to hear your real name Princess" he whispers so Owens can't hear.

You look down at the ground willing yourself not to blush again. You didn't know what your problem was, every time you made eye contact it was like suddenly you had no control over your reaction.

"Julia, if you could show David to his seat, it'll be just one row to the right of yours" Mr. Owens says before turning around and beginning to write the day's lesson plan on the board.

You walk back towards your seat and motion for Dave to follow you. He sits down in the seat next to you and before you even get out your notebook he whispers to you, "So what's with the outfit princess, or are you just a big fan of the basketball team?" He asks.

"Varsity cheerleaders are allowed and encouraged to wear the uniform to school every day." You say, pulling out your textbook and a mechanical pencil.

"Fair enough I guess—to each his own" He says and you roll your eyes.

"I know you think its stupid, everyone does" You say and he looks at you with pity and amusement in his eyes.

"Well I mean don't you?" He says looking as though he's stifling a laugh.

"No comment" You reply, very diplomatically, even though you're holding back a smile which probably tells him all he needs to know.

"Ok folks, lets start things off" Says Owens and you immediately turn back to your seat.

You don't talk for the rest of class but immediately after the bell rings you turn to Dave.

"Did you get all of that" You ask as he starts to get up.

"Not really" He answers with a chuckle.

"Why didn't you ask me about anything then?" You ask with a frown.

"This isn't my first time taking geometry, I'm a junior remember" He responds.

"Well next time, just ask. I'm there to help-" You begin but he cuts you off.

"I've got to go princess, see you around." He says.

You shake your head and make your way to your second period class that is completely without excitement.

After that class is over you head to homeroom and when you in you're shocked to see Dave already seated in the seat directly behind yours.

"Stalking me, huh?" Dave says to your back as you sit down.

"Yeah obviously" You answer.

"Hey, I got here first" He says with a shrug.

"I enrolled first" You counter and he cracks a smile. You giggle and talk until class starts and once its over he walks you to lunch.

"So what do you think of Annandale so far?" You ask and Dave laughs.

"Well I don't know very much since its only been three periods, but I have friends I've known forever who go here so isn't even bad. Not like my other school"

"What was wrong with that one?" You ask curiously.

"It just was not my type of place to be honest. It was a catholic school and my mom sent me there because freshman year I got into a lot of trouble. The catholic school was supposed to knock me into shape and it was just really strict and stressful. It didn't really mesh well with my personality" He explains with a charming half smile.

"I've never really been much of a school person" He adds partially in explanation, partially in response to your shocked expression.

"3 schools in 3 years?! I can't even imagine" You respond, hoping you don't sound rude.

"Well technically four I sort of repeated freshman year when I started at Bishop Ireton" He says and you shake your head.

"Wow," You say, just because you don't know what else to say, "So if you're not a school person what kind of person are you?" You ask as you round the corner.

"I don't know. A music person I think but that sounds sort of corny to say." He answers.

"Do you play in the school band? Which instrument?" You ask and he actually snorts.

"I don't play in any school band. I play the drums with some friends I grew up with." He says.

"Are you any good?" You ask, "Sorry that was impolite I'm sure you're very good" You add, blushing.

"I'm decent," He says as you enter the cafeteria, "Jeez you sure seem to blush a lot princess. Are you always like this or is it just around me?" He asks and before you can craft any sort of response that doesn't make you feel like a complete idiot you feel a huge arm wrap around your shoulder.

You look up to see your boyfriend grinning down at you.

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