You don't talk to Dave at all for the rest of the weekend. He calls almost incessantly all of the next afternoon until finally you're able to convince your mom to unplug the phones so he gets the message.
After that he tries the pebbles at the window thing again but after ten minutes of getting no reaction he moves on to actually ringing your door bell and until your mom has to answer. At that point you just give up and drive over to Erin's to go into hiding, you couldn't take this anymore.
You couldn't wait until Monday rolled around so you wouldn't have to worry about him bothering you anymore, you could just get over him in your own time without worrying about him getting in your way.
You let out a sigh of relief as you sit down in math Monday and see his empty seat. Even though you were completely heartbroken by everything that happened, the anger you still felt masked those feelings almost completely, at least for the present.
You listen more closely to Mr. Owen's lecture than you had since the semester began, no longer distracted by Dave sitting next to you and sidetracking you all period.
When the bell rings you grab your bag and begin to walk to your locker to get your stuff for your next class. However when you get there your eyes nearly pop out of your head.
Standing in front of your locker was Dave, looking like a sad puppy as he saw you walking towards him. Almost immediately you turn on your heels and walk towards your class, deciding that you would just read off your partners chemistry textbook today and tell the teacher you forgot yours at home.
"Julia, wait" You hear a voice say and you feel a familiar, calloused hand grab your elbow.
"Dave, don't you have a flight to catch" You whisper, not turning around for fear your reaction towards him would cause a scene.
"Its not until tonight. I changed it, I needed to see you before I left." He says and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah well I didn't need to see you. I've actually spent 24 hours counting down the seconds until your plane takes off. If you leave now and speed I bet you can still make the original flight" You mutter and he sighs.
"Please. Just let me talk to you for two seconds Julia" He begs and you shake your head.
"No Dave. I don't have anything to say to you. I have to get to class" You respond curtly trying to walk away again but he holds you back.
"I don't want to do this but if you don't talk to me I will make a scene" He whispers and you give him your most menacing glare.
"Fine. I'll give you two minutes, but don't think this is going to change anything" You snarl, walking into an empty classroom and he follows you and shuts the door.
"Jules I'm so sorry" He says, as soon as you're shut in the room alone, "I didn't mean any of what I said to you Saturday. I was fucked up and not thinking straight and I hurt you" He begins and you raise an eyebrow.
"You didn't mean any of what you said? Even when you said you had told Franz no to me coming on tour for a bit?" You say and he falters for a second.
"Well that part was true—" He begins and you cut him off.
"Well then we're done here" You say, trying to leave but he stops you.
"I didn't say no because I didn't want you there! Of course I want you with me!" He says and you roll your eyes.
"I just really needed this to be just me Jules, this is my first real tour and I need it to be a time where I do my own thing without dragging my girlfriend along with me. I want you there but I also need this to be my thing...its like your dream of going to college: if you got into a really good school you'd want to see me but you would be sort of smothered if I slept on the floor of your dorm and followed you to all your classes. Its like that I just need a few months of space." He says, searching for any ounce of sympathy in your face and finding none.
"Why should I believe that? " You yell in a frustrated tone, "It seems like everything I thought you felt was a lie, I learned that the hard way two nights ago. Why shouldn't I just assume you don't want me there so you can bang random euro trash?"
"I didn't mean any of that! I swear!" He yells back, "And you know I'm not like that, don't say that stuff."
"Why should I believe you though?" You repeat your question and suddenly you realize tears are running down your cheeks, you hadn't even noticed you were crying.
"Because...Julia I love you" He says, looking up at you through his stringy hair, "I love you and I know you love me too"
"Go to hell Dave" You say through gritted teeth, not wanting to show any emotional reaction to him saying something you'd been waiting for him to say since he took you out to watch the boats at the docks, what felt like a million years ago.
"I gave everything I had to you...I lost my virginity to you, all because I trusted you. I trusted that you wouldn't hurt me Dave, you said you'd never felt this way before and now I just feel so dumb for believing that. I never should've trusted you, I should've never slept with you—I thought you were different but you hurt me Dave, you broke me. So do me a favor and leave me alone" You cry out crumpling to the floor.
"Don't say that baby, I meant everything I said about us I swear—the good stuff I mean. Please listen to me Julia, I don't want to leave on this note!" He pleads, getting down on his knees next to you. He reaches out, pulling you in for a gentle hug that you reluctantly accept, the whole time trying not to think about how safe you felt in his arms.
"I love you" He whispers into your hair and you separate from him a second later.
You stare down at your shoes and take a deep breath before looking back up at him.
"Yeah well I don't love you" You lie, before running out of the classroom and too the bathroom before he could see you shed anymore tears for him.

The Punk and the Princess (A Dave Grohl Fanfiction)
FanfictionBefore the Foo Fighters, before Nirvana, before even Scream, there was a girl. Julia Maxwell caught Dave's attention from the moment they first met. Dave was starting a new school and Julia was assigned to be Dave's math tutor. From that moment on...