"Alright little lady, well go around back. You need me to carry you or can you walk?"

I thought over his offer but decided I would try and walk-well hobble my way there. I didn't like feeling helpless while being carried.

"I'll try and walk just help me out yeah?"

He nodded his head and wrapped his large arm under my arms and around my back basically holding all of my weight.

I could still hear Giovanni and Vitaly throwing insults at each other and talking about things that clearly weren't going to happen if I could stop it.

We made our way around the back of the house and came up next to the garage. The man whose name I've learned is Toby took out his keys as quietly as possible and got ready to head for his bike.

He took out a glock from his boot and handed it to me. "Alright you know how to-"

I cut him off by pulling out the clip making sure it was full before jamming it back in and cocking the gun. He nodded at me impressed.

"Okay here's the deal, turn your bike on when I say and run it into that gate. I can get a pretty good shot from here so you just handle the rest of them.

I carefully hobbled my way over behind a bush on the side of the garage and got in position. Toby was in position by his bike hidden from by the dark.

I could make out the two figures but barley. I knew Giovanni was the shorter one so I could only hope my aim was good.

Here goes nothing.

"Toby now." I whisper yelled to him and he wasted no time. He quickly started up the bike and hit the throttle sending it straight into the fence.

"What the fuck?" I heard Vitaly yell before shots began to rain down again.

I pulled myself up and aimed my gun as best I could at the now moving target.

Good thinking scar, because he's just going to stand there and let you shoot him. I thought to myself as I watched people coming out of what seemed like thin air.

I was about to take my shot when I heard a very recognizable scream. I looked over to see two men definitely not from our side holding Nikita down.

Without thinking I tore my attention away and shot the two men one in the chest and another in the shoulder. It didn't kill them but it gave her a chance to get away.

I took a chance to look around at the scrambling bodies in the dark. From what I could tell Vitaly was right. Giovanni was outnumbered.

Members of The Heat and Vitaly's staff were dropping Giovanni's men like flies. A few stray bullets passed by me hitting the garage.


Shit! I could hear Vitaly calling me. He must have noticed I wasn't where he left me. I pulled myself up ignoring the pain in my leg the best I could.

The sun was starting to come up. More and more people were becoming visible. I could now make out Vitaly standing by the pillar he had left me at.

"VITALY!" I yelled out gaining his attention. He went to rush over to me but he didn't quite make it.

The world moved in slow motion just then. One second he's coming towards me and the next a shot goes off and he falls to the ground.


All pain in my leg was forgotten. I limped my way over to him as fast as I could. He was laying on the ground almost lifeless with his hand on his chest.

I flipped him over onto his back and let out a cry. There was so much blood. I put my hands over where the blood was coming from to try and stop the bleeding with no use. I didn't know what to do.

And that's when I heard it. The sickening laughter coming from behind me. I whipped my head around and saw Giovanni standing over me laughing at Vitaly dying in my arms.

"My how the mighty have fallen Bella."

I grit my teeth together and turned around to face him. I subtlety slid my hand to the back of my jeans where I had put my glock.

"Well you got what you wanted you sick fuck."

He let out a small laugh and shook his head.

"Not everything Bella, see I wanted to take you in front of him. Make him watch. Then I wanted to rip you apart limb from limb while listening to his cries. But I can't do that now....."

I took a deep breath grasping the handle in my hand and putting my finger on the trigger.

"I can however take you with me and use you for my own pleasure. Or I have someone that might like a little revenge."

He pointed towards the house and I saw a very beat up Sergei coming out of the door. Of fucking course.

It was now or never Giovanni was distracted by Sergei and his eyes were so swollen that I doubt he could even see me. I was just about to raise my gun when another shot went off.

I looked over and saw Sergei drop to his knees and face plant into the ground. Nikolai was standing behind him with his gun still raised and now aimed at Giovanni.

Oh hell no! This ones mine...

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Giovanni screamed and that's when I did it. I sent one shot into his leg, since I was still on the ground it brought him down to eye level.

He let out a scream and fell to the ground clutching his leg. Blood was coming out coating his hand making me smile a bit.

"You little bitch." He seethed at me through gritted teeth.

I raised my gun pressing it to his forehead and smiled. His eyes widened for a split second before he regained his composure.

I could see Nikolai out of the corner of my eyes kneeling down next to Vitaly putting pressure on his chest and calling out for the others.

Tears brimmed my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. Now wasn't the time to get emotional.

"You ruined my life prick, if it wasn't for you and your sick twisted revenge I wouldn't be here in the first place. You deserve to rot in the worst corner of hell. And I'm going to make sure that happens....for Vitaly!"

He smiled back at me and opened his mouth to reply but I didn't give him a chance. I pulled the trigger, the split second of shocked immediately wiped away by his eyes rolling back and his lifeless body falling to the ground dead in front of me.

I shuffled my body back to Vitaly and immediately checked his pulse. It was faint, very faint but it was still there. Three familiar men came over and picked him up carrying him to the back of a van and placed him inside.

Nikolai was in front of me now shaking my shoulders but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. He must have given up because I saw him running and jumping into the back of the van before they sped off.

I felt someone picking me up but my eyes never left the retreating van. The pain shooting through my leg was now coming back to me.

I looked up and saw Ivan cradling me in his arms. I sighed and finally let the tears fall as he carried me and placed me in the passenger seat of my truck.

Maybe it was the stress or the trauma of the entire situation. Maybe it was the blood loss from my leg but as soon as the darkness started to surround me I welcomed it with open arms.

This is unedited, sorry for any mistakes but we're almost at the end 😭

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