Radar used to work for Jesse as an intern, and became her co-Hero In Residence after the scene with the Admin. When Jesse decided to step down from the leader-role, it automatically passed on to Radar.

Radar also happened to be the closest thing Jesse had left to a friend in Beacontown, even though he was never aware of that. He hasn't been talking to her much within the past few weeks, as town-running kept him constantly on his toes.

So, understandably, when Radar heard the rumours, he was quite surprised. He had seen Jesse around town, and she had looked fine to him. Yet, he couldn't help but worry slightly.

Jesse had a knack for hiding things. If something was wrong with her, it didn't surprise him that she had kept it to herself. So, after puzzling over it for half an hour, getting distracted from his work, Radar decided to pay Jesse a visit. He just wanted to make sure she's OK.

So Radar asked his assistant, a guy he had hired two months after Jesse left, to clear his schedule for the rest of the day. Putting on his gloves and wrapping a scarf around his neck, Radar left the warmth of his office behind.

As he walked down street, very few people recognized him. He may be their Hero In Residence, but in their hearts it will always be Jesse. Radar respected that. Honestly, after all that's happened, even now, he still looked up to her.

Radar walked up to the Order Hall,walking up the steps of the porch. He stopped in front of the door, brushing snow off his jacket, before knocking. There was no reply.

After waiting a few minutes, Radar knocked again, louder. Still, nobody replied. So he timidly tried calling out Jesse's name, before knocking again.

Still, nothing moved behind the drawn curtains of the Order Hall. Sighing, Radar took out his cellphone. The Order Hall was huge, there was a good chance that Jesse just couldn't hear him. Or maybe she had gone out?

However, as soon as Radar dialed Jesse's number, he could clearly hear the phone ringing right on the other side of the wall. It kept ringing, nobody picking up or even muting it.

Radar felt slightly worried. Like always, he had started over-thinking things dramatically. What if Jesse was sick, or even hurt? What if she was laying somewhere in there, in a coma, or possibly bleeding to death? He didn't even consider the fact that she might just be asleep.

Now Radar was panicking.

He left the Order Hall, running back down the street in the direction of his own house. When he used to work for Jesse, she had given him a key to the Treasure Hall. The Treasure hall had a door that lead into the living quarters of the Order Hall, so he could possibly get inside. Of course, Jesse might not want visitors, but if she needed his help...

After getting his set of keys from his house, Radar immediately jogged back down the street to the Treasure Hall. His breath came out in short white puffs, his cheeks and the tip of his nose red.

He stepped up the the Treasure Hall, swiftly unlocking the door and opening it. To Radar's surprise the Treasure Hall was dark and layered in dust. It didn't look like anybody had been in there recently.

Radar walked through all the rows of trophies and treasures obtained by the Order of the Stone, feeling slightly upset to see them all layered beneath dust, forgotten.

Shaking his thoughts away, Radar reached the door that lead into the rest of the Order Hall. He reached for the doorknob, praying that it wouldn't be locked. Both to his relief and surprise, it gently swung open, the wood creaking slightly. Radar didn't stop to question it, walking into the warmth of the Order Hall itself.

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