First game for the First years

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It was after the little meeting and it was my job to spread the word on a sleepover kind of deal, Sunny, Hermione and I had come up with the idea of it. Explaining the concept of a sleepover to the non-muggle born girls on a sleepover, we let it be all school whoever wanted to join. So far we got about a dozen Slytherins, 15 Hufflepuffs, majority of Gryffindor (mostly the younger years, the exception of Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twins), and around 20 Ravenclaws. The quidditch teams all were to show up, as we were spending majority of the night on the field. The first years were all excited because that meant to them that they got to learn how to play quidditch and all that jazz. I currently was running around the kitchen looking for food to bring to the field. Someone grabbing my hips in the process causing me to jump and turn around. A familiar ginger standing in front of me, studying him for a bit I chuckled, "Hi George... how are you and Emma doing?" I could hear a groan in defeat, "I can tell the difference between my boyfriend and his brother! What's up buttercup!"

I could hear his shoes scuff the ground, "I still haven't asked her..." I nodded and informed him she was going to be at the little sleepover of the sort, "I don't have the courage..." he trailed off.

Shock filled my system, "Why don't you ask Fred?" He rambled off on how he didn't need Fred knowing or else he wouldn't hear the end of it, "All the more reason to get it done and over with!" He scuffed his feet on the ground, "You need practice?" He glances at me and gave a small smile, "The George Weasely needs practice? After all the girls that now at your feet?" His cheeks turned a red hue, I smiled and let an aw escape, "You're so precious!" I jokingly pinched his cheek, "Let me get food sorted and then I'll help you okay?" He nodded and helped me grab some food, us diving for cover when a teacher walked in. It must've been no more than 40 minutes before we got a decent amount of snacks easy to grab so we didn't get caught. The kitchen was still mildly empty, "Okay okay so... what have you planned?" He shrugged and said nothing, "George Weasely!"

"I was hoping it'd just slip out..." I could hear him scoff. I laughed, "George, oh my merlin.. I-" pausing choosing my next words carefully, "I'll be by you then and, I'll make sure it happens!" He looked at me with a glimmer in his eyes. Pulling me in for a hug and kissing my forehead.

"Christina Jo DaPrato you're the bestest friend I could every ask for!" I laughed and returned the hug. I patted his chest staring we were going to be late for dinner, I grabbed the small bag that had a charm in it so it'd look like a normal book bag. Both of us made a break down the hall and over to the nearest passage way, Our wands lighting our path for the entire way we come out of what looked like an old mine shaft a small distance from the field. "Fred and Ron already got the brooms, the first yearS are hitting a ball around, with their arm."


"Sure, whatever that is," I chuckled, "all we were waiting on was you so I volunteered to look," he stated as we both walked in. Almost immediately engulfed in a hug, smiling I handed off the bag of food and returned the hug. Retracting from the hug, I gave George a small salute and refocussed back on the person in front of me.

A familiar freckles frenzy of a ginger met my gaze, I beamed, "Ready to play matchmaker, love?" He looked at me with a questionable expression, "Looks like Georgie has the hots for miss Emma Elizabeth Weber," he grinned as I wiggled my eyebrows.


I rubbed my hands together as my little band of first years gathered around, all the quidditch teams had split up as evenly as possible. Each group was going to teach six first years how to play a position in quidditch. Each of us introducing ourselves before starting, "Hi my name is Shanya Williams," following her was a ravenclaw who stepped up to the introduce who they were which was Travis Scott, their seeker.

"I'm Kellin Quinn, known as Slytherins Beater!" He did a slight wave.

"Christina DaPrato, but you guys can call me Christi, I'm Hufflepuffs beater!"

"Vic Fuentes, Ravenclaw beater!"

"Fred Weasley!" George stated, I chuckled and rolled my eyes as Fred introduced himself as George.

I shoved the male on my left also known as Fred, "Oh shove off they're only youngins!" They re-introduced themselves as the proper twins. Shanya nudged me and pointed to the seekers, Malfoy quickly looked away. This was going to be fun. I nudged her back and gave her a teasing eyebrow wiggle. Her retorting with a shove, "Okay buddy up!"

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