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I held back my laughter as I watched Ron dance with McGonagall, his hand was hovering above her waist, "Alright everyone partner up!" Her shrill voice rang through the great hall. I slowly stood up with the rest of my house, bobbing and weaving through the crowd til a hand grasped my forearm, I made eye-contact with the blue-eyed brunette in front of me.

I felt a burning hatred in the pit of my stomach, "So do you have a partner DaPrato?" I yanked my arm away stating I was searching for Fred. He stepped closer, "You can do so much better than that blood traitor, how about a real wizard?"

"If he isn't a real wizard then point me in the right direction Brock, cause I don't see any," I spat towards him, strutting towards the Gryffindor area meeting with the twins. George and Katie chatting away, I chuckled and stood by them.

Fred crouched down to my level, "what'd he want?" I growled that he wanted a dance and rolled my eyes, "why'd you say no?"

"I would much rather talk to someone who doesn't call people I care about blood traitors," I put air quotes around blood traitors. "In my eyes, that's almost as bad as mud blood..." I glared in his general direction, he was already dancing with a Ravenclaw girl, rolling my shoulders as a memory from my second year relayed in my mind, "Some Hufflepuffs, don't know how to filter themselves..." a chuckle filled my ears. "I still loathe myself because I called you that..."

I looked at Fred with an apologetic smile, who had his hand extended, "On that note," he stated still smiling, "Miss DaPrato... May I have this dance?" I laughed and graciously accepted his hand, taking to the floor our dancing, it was a struggle, him being 5'11 with my 5'2 self. I barely made it past his shoulder so I rested my hands on his chest, his arms wrapped almost protectively around me. He took my hand and spun me in a circle, "So Katie is giving George and her a go," a smile had spread across my face.

I almost tripped over my own feet, "That's great! Is he taking her to the ball?" He nodded helping me steady myself. "Are you taking anyone?"

He thought for a moment, "I'm thinking about asking Angelina Johnson," I nodded and responded with a that'll be fun, "You taking anyone?" I shrugged.

I was watching my feet making sure I didn't step on his feet, "I don't even know if I'm going..." I stepped on his foot, "Sorry..."

"It's fine... and you should, it's a once and a lifetime to do this really," the music had stopped and I stood there kerfuffle, stepping back from the twin to grab my stuff biting the inside of my cheek. Sorting out the tug in my chest when he told me that he might take Angelina.


It was breakfast time the next day and the twins have yet to show up, so I figured they slept in, the owls flew in and one of them dropped a letter in front of me, I slowly tore it open and read the smudged ink,

"Quidditch is fast,

And dragons are too,

Meet me at the library

A quarter til two.. xoxo

PS I'm not putting my name so have fun"

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the cheesy little poem. I folded the note and put it in my high-tops, now all I had to wait for was a quarter til two. The anticipation in my stomach grew each class as the time neared to where I could barely eat lunch. I read the clock on the wall as it clicked closer to two, striking 1:45 I stood up making my excuse to go to the bathroom. The teacher dismissed me, speed walking towards the library I saw a familiar brunette standing there. I groaned and walked up to him, "Logan, If you're the note I swear..."

"Quidditch is fast,

And dragons-"

I sighed and nodded, "That sounds right... okay, so what do you want to Brock?"

A smirk plastered on his face, "A date..." my breath hitched in my throat, "just one then you can see if you still want that Weasely..." I held my breath before agreeing.

"One date, that's your chance..." I bit my lip and walked back to class, I turned one of the corners and slouched down against the wall. Rubbing my eyes, "What am I doing...?"

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