Six inches... A real turn on

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I happily leaned against a little pillar out in the courtyard, one that kind of looked over a clearing. Just enough to where I could see the forest. A little Niffler had walked out and a smile had crossed across my face, it was a Sunday so I didn't have to worry about classes. Switching my position to where I was leaning on the barrier that separated me from the area outside of school grounds. I shut my eyes and let the breeze rush through my hair, letting it sink in that I was already in my fifth year at Hogwarts. Finger-tips brushed on my sides. Making me jump and break the trance I was in, I spun around and almost fell over the fence, grabbing the person now in front of me. Greeted by a familiar ginger in front me I took me a moment to register which it was. Smacking his shoulder I smiled, "Fred! You ass!" I had been pinned between him and the fence, I examined his features. Taking in every little detail of his face, and how his hair had looked unkept, as usual, and there was dark circles under his eyes.

Slightly leaning in for a little kiss. An all to familiar voice broke my thoughts, "No students within six inches of each other," and next thing I knew my back was on dirt and I could see the puffy clouds in front of me.

I groaned, sitting up slowly making eye contact, "Come on Logan!" I stood up glaring at him, "You have to admit that rule is stupid," just like Umbridge herself, "Between classes would be absolute hell!" He stated some bullshit in how it was to conserve Hogwarts pride, I hopped the fence and huffed. "Yeah conserving Hogwarts pride by taking away the actual magic portion of the school, really conservative..."  Logan had rolled his eyes and started walking away. I looked at Fred and let a broad smile appear across my face.

He peered over at me and smiled, "Yeah less than eight inches between us, a real turn on!" He wrapped his arms around my waist, "Now where were we...?" He gave me a tender kiss, making my heart skip a beat. Someone clearing their throat we pulled apart quickly.

Ginny was standing in front of us, "You two are late, let's go..." I looked at Fred with a flushed face his almost the colour of his hair.

His brows furrowed and he looked around, "I know a short-cut to the hallway let's go..." he hopped the fence and walked down the hill. Disappearing into a tree I followed hesitantly, I circled the tree in utter confusement, his arm reaching from the tree and pulling me into almost utter darkness. "You have your wand right, love?"

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