Hogwarts Express

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Weeks later and it was the night before school, I was back at home with my family. Watching my Slytherin brother and my Gryffindor sister fight like two Nifflers going at it for a gold coin. My little brother watching his shows on the television as my mother hustled and bustled around for date night with my little brother's muggle father. There was a bump at the back window, I looked over the chair I was cozied into and I saw Errol, the Weasely's owl, he seemed a bit shaken so I opened the window and let him in, bringing him into the kitchen and let him stand on the banana hanger. Un-tying the letter from his claws, I gave him a piece of steak and let him recover 'til I sent him back off again. A bright smile had spread across my face, it was a little Polaroid of the twins in Romania. Written across the bottom was a cheesy "Wish you were here," with their signatures sprawled on the back. I stroked Errol's head and ran upstairs to get my dad's old Polaroid and shuffled through some drawers in my sisters room for some unused photos, at the very bottom I found a pack of 18 unused Polaroids, running back into my room I quickly snapped a photo of me posing in my bedroom with my arms in a "Y" shape in front of my dresser. Scrawling on the back a, "I miss you guys!" And put it in an envelope, sending Errol back without a package and writing a quick letter saying how I didn't want to tire the poor guy out anymore. And that I'll see them on the express tomorrow, handing the letter to my family owl, Ash I set them off towards the burrow. I ran back up to my room to look at the Polaroid again, only to be greeted by my sister smiling at the photo.

"They've aged well..." My stomach had dropped when she said that, "Do they ever mention me?" I shook my head no. "That's silly, Freddie and I had a thing going in my last year..." I recognized the look in my sister's eyes, it was he exact way Shanya looked at Kellin. I nodded and asked for the picture back so I could hang it with the ones of the other Weasely's on a pin-board. She handed it over sadly, my chest felt a-flutter yet I felt bad but I didn't know a duplication hex so I could make two. Plus my mother had said a no magic rule unless needed be.

"You can look at them while I'm gone, but I ask that you don't remove them from my room," I stated, she nodded calmly and exited the room, I turned the Polaroid over in my hand and sighed pinning it to the board, I turned around satisfied with the day and laid back down. Excited for the day ahead.


I rolled out of bed 5 hours prior to the train departing, giving me enough time to prep myself. After showering, I snagged a Hufflepuff sweater with some black skinny jeans with some black converse. Sporting my house colour as usual, and quickly straightening my black hair I slid on a pair of glasses I got a week ago. Bounding down the stairs with a little travel bag with a muggle book. I waited for everyone else to do their run through, we had about 3 hours to get to Kings Cross once we leave, and with the Weasely's I convinced my sister to let me Apparate with her because I wanted to get decent seats. Clinging to her side as she did feeling the pressure increase and decrease dramatically making my ears pop, I found us in the car park between two semis both of us walking out. "Do you think Gaby can handle the trolly?" I asked looking at my sister. She responded with a, yes, I smiled, "I'll race ya!" I yelled sprinting off towards platform nine and ten. My sister keeping up with me I ran through the portal just before her revving myself to a stop before I slammed into someone.

I looked up and saw a familiar long haired ginger, the only thing differing from his twin was the density of freckles, "George! Have you seen the box of-" the voice stopped yelling as they exited from the baggage cart.  His green eyes lit up as a broad smile stretched across his face. My chest fluttered as it has been since the Polaroid's have been coming in. Locking eyes there was a tug in my chest to hug him, "Christi!" I smiled and ran over to hug him, "I missed you!"

A wide smile spread across my face, "It's been a month Fred couldn't have missed me that much," I let go of him and nudged his side slightly, "my sisters here you should say hey..." his eyes darted over to the brunette I had run in with.

A smile filled her face slowly, "Heya Fred!" Fred froze on the spot and watched him accept the hug, my family had entered the platform and Gaby stood in awe. "How's it been it's been what? Three years?" I chuckled and let them catch up, grabbing my cats carrier taking him out of it and holding him. The train had hollered its ten-minute warning and I trotted back over to the twins.

My sister left leaving it with me and the twins, "So Christi, get this, George and I need to test something of you," Fred stated turning to head onto the train, "we're working on this ink to where only Gryffindor students can see it," We had found an empty compartment and sat down in it, my cat resting next to me. George has handed me a sheet of seemingly blank paper.

"There's nothing on it," I stated holding it slightly up to the light, still nothing appeared.

George spoke up proud, "It's bloody brilliant eh? We're working on one that only Hufflepuffs can see, so we'll need you again soon." He leaned back in his chair as the train started leaving.

I watched my cat climb into my lap and curl up, watching the twins explain to me how they made the ink and what they did. Including the trial and errors.

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