Michael the First Year

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(Here's where my time-line gets a bit iffy I apologize if it's wrong))

I sat in The Three Broomsticks, iffy on the idea of rising against Umbridge even if she was a pissy knob, everyone was silent. I looked around no one seemed like they were going to join, "I'll do it," I spoke up leaving my spot next to Fred. Standing next to Ginny, "It's time for some change, it's a matter of time before she goes power crazy," I smirked and looked at the twins, "Don't you want to get her back for shutting down your Weasley Wheezers?" the twins stood up and joined me by my side.

Harry who was a bit of a ways to my right, "You-Know-Who is on the rise again," he swallowed, "If we want another Cedric Diggory on our hands you'll help us," Cho tensed, slowly joining us. I walked over to her and stood by her rubbing her back. One-by-one people joined us, til it was a little first year boy sitting in the corner.

I looked at Ron and he and I made eye-contact, I slowly walked over to the first year, crouching down to his level, I saw his hand and noticed it wrapped in gauze, I looked at the group and back at the kid. I spoke in a soft, motherly voice, "Hey, are you okay? I see you've face her quill as well..." He nodded slowly, "What's your name?" he spoke out softly, "One more time dear, I didn't hear you..."

A small voice spoke out, "Michael," I knew that name, I looked back at the twins. This was the same kid they told me about, I nodded for one of them to come over. Hoping a familiar face would make him more comfortable, I motioned for the rest of them to leave which they thankfully obeyed.

George joined me on my left and Fred on my right, I rubbed his shoulder, "Hey you recognize these two?" He looked at them and nodded, his shoulders not as tense as before and his chest loosening up a bit, "Okay that's good," I sat with my legs crossed in front of him, rolling up my sleeves, showing the slight scars on my arms, that read, I must not lash out at a teacher, "She does it to everyone," I smiled as he looked up at me, "Even a Hufflepuff like myself," I rubbed his shoulder, "You're a Gryffinfor, she knows the power you guys hold around here, she's scared. You're the bravest first year I've met, the fact that a lot of first years I know would be ashamed of having that gauze mark on their hand, you show it, you don't hide it under a glove or in your sleeves," I rubbed his shoulders as his eyes lit up with that Gryffindor pride that I see in my sister and the two people on either side of me, "I'm proud of you Michael," I stood up, letting a childish demeanor enter my voice, "I'll make a deal with you," I held out both my hands the twins standing on either side of me, "Do you trust me?" he nodded, grabbing my hands as I helped him up, "Good, I'll help you with whatever class your struggling in, actually whenever you need it, are you the only one of your family attending here?"

"Yes..." he muttered, he's getting more comfortable around us so that's good.

I crouched down to his level, "I may not be a Gryffindor, but I don't think houses divide a family," he smiled at me, "I should know," he looked at me with a look of question, "my brother is a Slytherin, well he was, my sister a Gryffindor, and my mother is a Ravenclaw, my father a muggle," I smiled, "not to mention the dork I'm dating is a Gryffindor!"

I heard laughter from behind me, "You love it!"

A smile lit up on his face, "and my best friend who shares the same house as me is with a Slytherin, weird huh?" I stated scrunching up my nose, I noticed I was getting off topic, "That's besides the point... Kind of... We're both the only ones of our family here huh? How bout I'll be your honorary sister? I'll show you the ropes around here and help you whenever need be okay?" He nodded and we both stood up, Fred wrapped his arms around me as I ruffled Michael's hair, Michael and George were talking about a prank idea.

Something about Fireworks, we walked over to the train, I felt Fred's lips press against my temple, "You say you're shy yet you talk to a person in need like you've known them for years," I chuckled, "You're really something else DaPrato... you really are..." We climbed onto the train and found an empty cabin, minutes into the journey Michael had fallen asleep. I studied his features, thinking back to the tavern. The more I looked at him the more he looked like my little brother back home, in his facial structure anyways, Fred had knocked out as well. George had spaced out on the window.

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