Yule Ball

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It's too damn cold to do this, bundled up at 9 in the morning walking around Hogsmeade, looking for a dress. The Yule Ball was tonight and I had managed to be duped into going to it with Logan. I had around 30 galleons in my pocket, trudging around alone to my dismay. I walked into a clothing shop and walked toward the back, all the dresses were a dark or a light blue. Grabbing a baby blue in my size I walked to the changing area, one of the workers letting me in I took it off the hanger. Completely baffled at the sight in front of me. The skirt was in my hand while the top part was on the floor, I quickly picked it up to see that it was almost a halter-top kind of deal. Slipping my many layers I pulled it over my torso and looked in the mirror. The part that was covering my chest was a solid material, meanwhile, the sleeves themselves were a soft lace. I could wear this on its own with some grey pants one day, but not today. I pulled on my skirt over the pants I wore today and slipped those off while looking in the mirror. The dress showed off a bit of my abdomen and was high in the front to where it had reached mid-thigh, touching the ground behind me. I dubbed it worthy and quickly changed back into my jeans with my multiple layers, paying quickly at the front. An hour or two back in my common room where a couple other girls were getting ready. Hustling into my room I confronted Shanya, who wore a crimson dress that reached around her knees, just a solid crimson covering her. I quickly pulled on my dress, not caring if she saw me, we've been dorm buddies forever.

An hour had passed before we finally settled on just pulling my bangs out of my face braiding it once they met behind my head. Tying off the end with a clear rubber band. My makeup finished, I met a face I barely recognized. The eyeliner wasn't a black, it was a silver, my lipstick a nice soft pink, my eyes seeming greener than usual, "Damn I'm good," my friend stated, I watched her flip her hair over her shoulder in the mirror. I chuckled and stepped back out into the common room, I was supposed to meet Logan by the stairs.


I walked down the stairs as best as I could, my mother sending me a pair of white heels as soon as I sent her that I was going to the ball. They went well with my dress but were a pain to wear. I was walking down, focussing on not tripping, I felt eyes on me and I wasn't comfortable with it. Scanning the crowd for any sense of familiarity. I made eye contact with Fred, who was with Angelina Johnson, who was talking to Logan, George happily chatting away with another Gryffindor, who if I remember right was named Katie. I carefully made my way over to the trio I rested my hand on Logan's shoulder making him turn around, a proud smile had spread across his face, "God damn I know how to pick them," a pang pf guilt had shot through my stomach as Fred and I made eye contact. His robes were replaced with a suit, his bow-tie a little crooked. Oh, how I wanted to fix it.

His familiar, comforting voice broke my trance, "Blue really is your colour Christi, sucks you weren't sorted into Ravenclaw!" He joked a helpless look was hidden in his eyes, his focus going back to Angelina. His hair looked like it was washed minutes before he came here as it was still a slightly darker ginger than usual. I was a good few inches above his shoulder now, making me about 5'4" or 5'5", I already missed not being able to see over his shoulder. I turned away from Fred, my arm hooked through Logan's as I looked at my feet, the feeling of guilt had now been joined by yearning. I gripped Logan's sleeve a little tighter as we made our way to the dance floor, fighting all the urge to stay by Fred. This must be what addiction felt like. I told myself, I kept my gaze straight ahead. We watched the competitors file in, taking the first dance, everyone else slowly joining and soon the majority of the people here were dancing, Logan offered his hand out which I cautiously accepted. He pulled me closer to him, this didn't feel right. I toughed through it a slow song ending, he pulled his arms away from me, "I'm gonna go get some drinks, you can wait at one of the tables and I'll meet you there?" I nodded thankfully as we parted ways, choosing a table and I set my face on the table. Enjoying the coolish metal compared to the teenage sweat ridden air here. I waiting, five minutes, five into ten, ten into 15. I stopped waiting at half an hour, a little hurt that he ditched. I peered around the tables, seeing Harry and Ron sitting with their dates. Watching Ron's get scooped by one of the guys from Durmstrang, a slight chuckled emitting from me. I stood up and decided on getting myself some punch since it seemed like Logan wasn't coming back soon, I weaved my way around the everyone. Seeing a gap for the stairs I had walked up I looked between the groups of people catching a glimpse of the Weasely twins through the crowd. I bit my lip wondering if I should go to them for condolence, shaking my head I decided I should just leave. Kicking off my heels I picked them up, running up the stairs, looking for someplace silent. Which was hard considering almost every corner you turned there was a teen making out. I huffed moving through the halls, I noticed a small door that was never there before. Pushing it open with ease it revealed a small room, on the far side was a widow with a cut-out you could sit on. I walked over closing the door behind me, setting my shoes next to the ledge. The view was nothing special, just the lake with the mountains towering in the background, I must've been just above the light pollution from the rest of the school. You could see dozens of stars from here, I heard the door creak open next to me. Wiping away tears I didn't even know were falling, composing myself. I looked at to see who had entered, a tear-ridden ginger.

An instinct kicked it that was all too familiar to me, I slid off the ledge and quickly went to hug them, I led them towards the window ledge and grabbed their hands, I examined the person in front of me was too familiar.

It was Fred.

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