Practice and Umbitch

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It was around 10 in the morning, all quidditch teams were on the field doing flying drills with a Quaffle, Beaters were on the ground practicing with a Bludger, that we made sure was not cursed. A thing Kellin had suggested after the incident of the second game, all of us were lined up in a circle with a bat to each of us, our partner next to us. Gryffindor on Hufflepuffs left Slytherin on our right, Ravenclaw across from us. The circle rather big as we were just hitting it around, making a game out of it on if it flew out of circle, it'd be a point on the receiving team, team with the most points buying butter beer for everyone as punishment. No one talked unless it was playful banter between the teams, or Jennessa Alburny taking jabs at my team. Which usually resulted in me or Shanya slamming the ball past them, giving them a point, either that or Vic telling her to shut up. Teasing remarks were thrown between the twins and I, and Shanya joking around with Kellin and his partner who I think was named Jesse. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blob of pink, Shanya yelling my name a hit the bludger away over towards Slytherin. The blob getting closer and closer til it came into focus as Umbridge, I let out a groan. "Why aren't any of you in your uniforms?" Her high-pitched voice nearly making my ears bleed, one of the Ravenclaws caught the bludger faltering on the impact. They placed it in a chest not too far off, "You're on school grounds! You are too be dressed in proper attire," I huffed as Shanya and I stepped forward. All of us were in either sweatpants or leggings.

I was the first to speak up, "We're practicing for quidditch, I'm sorry ma'am but it's a bit hard to chase a bludger in a skirt and flats," she looked at me and I knew immediately what was coming, "10 points from Hufflepuff or a detention?"

Her face was redder than the Weasley's hair, "Detention, three hours tonight." I sighed and pulled my hair out of my face, "Talk back to me again and you won't be aloud to play the next quidditch match!" I sighed and looked over at the twins.

Jennessa called for a break and the twins walked over to me, Shanya grabbed a few bags that we grabbed from the kitchen and handed out some sandwiches with a bottle of water, Fred wrapped his arm around me, "You're an idiot," he stated simply, "Do you not remember what happened during George and my detention?" I thought back to a few weeks ago, I was changing their bandages because the nurse was out sick. I nodded slowly, reciting what that quill did to them, "Promise me you won't talk back again," he gave me a tight hug.

I sighed, "I can't make make that promise, I get too defensive, you know that..." he pulled away so I could sit down he joined me on my left and Shanya on my right. Kellin next to her, Vic next to him. Jennessa between George and Vic, all of us talked about future games, next one being Gryffindor against Slytherin, Shanya and I getting into a joke fight on which team was going to win. For reasons that should be obvious. Minutes later we got our teams down and played a round of quidditch, we had fun til it got dark. Every one else had head to dinner I split off from the group giving Fred a quick goodbye kiss and walking towards the office. I opened the door to be greeted by a bright pink room, cats everywhere. Taken aback on the amount of pink in one room, my eyes rested on Umbridge. Her back to me and that bloody quill resting on the table, a fresh piece of parchment resting on the desk next to it.

"Take a seat Miss DaPrato," she demanded looking at me through the reflection in the mirror slowly sitting at the desk I glared at her, "Looking at your house records you've lost 80 points this year, and only redeemed 60 of them back," she spun around, "You went to a muggle school before coming here... correct?" I nodded, "Did you ever have to write lines?" I nodded thinking this punishment wasn't going to be terrible, "and you know simple addition?" I let out a quiet yes, "good whats 80 plus 60?"

"140, but, what does that have anything to do with my punishment?" She motioned to the quill and the paper in front of me.

"140 lines of; I mustn't lash out on a teacher," remembering what this quill did to Fred, George, and even Harry. I felt my face flush of colour, I nodded slowly. Picking up the quill, I wrote the first letter, a pain shooting through my right shoulder. Biting my lip I continued on, I could feel my shirt start sticking to my arm as I neared 70 lines. It felt like hours later til I reached 100 and even longer til I reached my goal. My right arm felt like it was on fire, looking at it I noted the blood had already soaked through my sleeve, I slid the paper towards her. "Okay you're dismissed dear..." a small yet amused smile played on her face. My vision was tunnelled and I felt the blood starting to trickle down my hand, I made it to the stairway.

Seeing a familiar ginger girl and her group of friends in front of me I called, "Ginny?" She spun around as I collapsed. I heard her scream my name before my vision went black.


I opened my eyes in an all to familiar setting, the nurses office, I slowly sat up. Pain shooting up my right arm, looking at it I saw it was wrapped in gauze up to my shoulder. There was pressure on my thigh, looking down a sleeping Fred was seen. My throat was sore as if I haven't drank anything in days. Madam Pomfrey entered the corridor and saw me, quickly grabbing a cup of water from a nearby table. She scurried over to me and handed it, "Drink up dear, it's been two days since you were last awake," I choked on my water causing the Weasley on my lap to stir, "Best not wake him dear, this is the first time I've seen him rest since he's walked in..." I looked back at him smiling softly, "He never left either, his twin came in a few times along with his sister, I got him to eat some. He's a keeper," I nodded in agreement. "You may leave when he wakes," I looked back at her.

I cleared my throat, "Thank you," my voice was still a rasp. "It really means a lot," she nodded and walked off to tend to someone else, I looked at the boy on my thigh and smiled, resting a hand softly on the side of his head. And hour or two later I heard a door creak on my left directing my attention away from Fred, who was on my right. Watching Ginny and Harry walk in with their quidditch uniforms on. I waved with my non-bandaged hand, "Hi," Ginny beamed and shock lit up in Harry's eyes. The younger girl ran and gave me a hug, I laughed lightly, clearing my throat again, "Careful, he's out like a light," I chuckled. Harry in a hushed tone explained what I had missed in the past two days, Michael learned the levitating spell and Umbridge's patrol had come close a few times. I felt Fred stir in my lap and carefully get up, his eyes met mine and they lit up like fireworks.

He engulfed me into a hug, I heard him sigh, "You're okay! I was worried sick," he held me at arms length, "You have to promise me not to cross Umbridge ever again!" I hugged him back. Fred pulled away and told them that he was going to be at practice soon and that they could leave.

Happy to see a spark in his eyes, "I heard-" my voice was barely above a whisper, so I cleared my throat again, "I heard you didn't leave, that's not good, hun..." my voice close to the normal. A soft smile had spread across his face;

"I couldn't leave sleeping beauty's side now could I?"

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