Hoshi Akuarito

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Fandom: Kuroko No Basuke/Non-Fandom

---General Info:---

Name: Hoshi Akuarito
Pronunciation: Ho-sh-ee Ak-oo-aa-r-ee-to
Nicknames: Shi-Kun, Shi, Star Boy
Nationality: Half-Japanese, Half-Korean
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 3-4-xx
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Age: 16
Languages: Japanese, Korean 

---Physical Appearance:---

Height: 5'9
Weight: 65kg
Hair Colour: Aqua
Hair Length: Short
Hair Style: Straight hair, long bangs ( pinned back with a hair clip)
Eye Colour: Aqua
Body Type: --
Dominant hand: Right
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Right ear

---General Attitude:---

Personality: Hoshi is generally a happy-go-lucky guy to the point some consider him annoying. He loves working together as a team and he loves to win games though he will remain positive even if he lost. He is an active young man who is compassionate and genuine. However, he does have his flaws. For example, he can be too dependent on the people around him and he is rather insecure about his abilities even though he is a great player.
Likes: Hoshi likes basketball, chocolate, hockey, soccer, his friends, teamwork, cute things, small things and making people smile
Dislikes: He dislikes disrespectfulness, cheating, lying, tall people, negativity
Fears: Being kicked off his team

---Dress Sense:---

Casual Clothes: Hoshi wears a casual purple shirt and jeans when he is not in school or practising/playing basketball.
Work/School Clothes: He attends Kaijo high. So his uniform for school and basketball is the Kaijo High uniform.


Directly related: 
Mother: Mi Na Akuarito
Father: Tanaka Akuarito
Younger Sister: Shiori Akuarito

Pets: None
People they consider their family: His family and friends


Best Friend: ???
Friends: Ryota Kise, Yukio Kasamatsu, Tetsuya Kuroko, Koji Koboro
Enemies: He doesn't consider anyone his enemy.
Love Interest: ???


Infancy: Hoshi was born in South Korea but his family moved not long after he was born.
Childhood: Hoshi was obsessed with sports from as soon as he could run. He was always smiling when he played them. The first ever sport he played competitively was soccer and then he moved onto hockey which he played until he was a teenager.
Adolescence: Hoshi took interest in basketball when he was 14 and played competitively throughout his high school years. He joined the basketball team when he enrolled at Kaijo High. He met Kise, Yukio and Koji there. Kise introduced him to Kuroko after their practice game against Seirin.
Adulthood: Hoshi is studying to become a sports coach for soccer, hockey or basketball.


Powers: none
Talents: Athletic, fast runner,
Strengths: Hoshi is great on offense due to being so fast on his feet.
Weaknesses: He sucks at defense because 


Favourite Food: Chocolate
Hated Food: Anything sour
Favourite Drink: Chocolate milkshake
Hated Drink: anything bitter
Favourite Colour: Aqua
Hated Colour: Grey
Favourite Place: Seoul 
Hated Place: ???
Favourite Pass Time: Playing sports
Hated Pass Time: Reading or anything not exciting
Favourite Animal: Cat
Hated Animal: Slug

---Extra Info:---

- Hoshi's mum is Korean while his father is Japanese.

- Hoshi is amazing at basketball but he doesn't exactly come close to the skill of the generation of miracles.

- His speed is his weapon along with decent accuracy.

- He can be a bit emotional when it comes to sports

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