Mirror ( Chereene Baker)

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Fandom: DC- Teen Titans

Name: Mirror Aka Chereene Baker

Nicknames: Mi, Cherie, The Illusionist, Witch

Nationality: Australian ( Native Australian)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Half-Human, Half-Witch

Birthday: October 10th

Age: 16

Languages: English, Small amount of German

--Physical Appearance--

Height: 5'2

Weight: 55.5 kg 

Hair Colour: brown

Hair Length: Short, a few good inches above shoulders

Hair Style: Her fringe is parted to the left of her head. Its also longer than the rest of her hair.

Eye Color: brown

Body Type: Pear shaped

Right Handed or Left Handed?: right handed

Scars: She has a scar across her side from a fight with Slade.

Tattoos: none

Piercings: none

--General Attitude--

Personality: Mirror is a well-balanced person. She's clever with her illusions and tricks she's very determined when it comes to training and fighting enemies. She's creative and adds that creativeness to her tricks and illusions. However, when Mirror is upset she is stubborn and will block everything and everyone out. It will take her some time to resolve what is wrong. She's dedicated to saving people and helping the other Teen Titans. She's also enthusiastic and energetic.

Likes: Anime, Writing, Cats, Cute Things, Fanfic, Manga, Giraffes, Doing Her Best

Dislikes: Her father, bad guys, Slade, ignorance, traitors ( *coughs* Terra)

Fears: The Dark, Dogs, Choking To Death

--Dress Sense--

Typical Clothing: Mirror normally wears a light blue almost skin tight suit along with a witch hat. Around her waist is her pouch which holds her 'illusions'. She wears knee high dark blue boots and dark blue long gloves. She wears a cross on a necklace around her neck, a ring on her middle finger on her right hand and a bracelet around her left wrist.


Directly Related:

Mother- Harlene Baker ( Alive)

Father- Antoine Hill ( Alive)

Oldest Brother- Isaac Baker (Alive)

Oldest Sister- Crystal Baker (Alive)

Second Oldest Sister- Roxanne Baker ( Alive)

Younger Brother - Bryce Baker (Alive)

Pets: A Hamster named Millie

People she considers her family: The Teen Titans


Best Friend: Starfire likes to call her a best friend despite her never really agreeing

Friends: The Teen Titans

Enemies: Everyone the teen titans fight especially Slade

Love Interest: None


Backstory: When Mirror was a young girl, she lived with her mother, second older sister, and younger brother. Being the only sibling to actually turn out to be a witch due to her mother being a witch, she felt slightly outcasted. She would fight with her older sister up until she was ten when her older sister moved out. Her father had only been in her life till she was 2 years old. He tried to come back into her life when she was 14 but she refused to let him back in. At the age of 14, Mirror decided to run away from her home in Australia and she went to America. She was solo for a year as she trained her powers and fought bad guys. She then met the Teen Titans on one of her solo missions. Starfire instantly to a liking to her and wanted her to join the team. She was unsure at first and wanted time to think. During her thinking time, Slade tried to coax her into joining up with him but she wasn't easily deceived. She knew from the start Slade wanted to harness her powers. So, she decides on joining the Teen Titans and fights alongside them.

Favorite Memory: Buying Millie and setting up a hamster home for her.

Worst Memory: The day her sister left home.


Talents: Writing, Singing, Balancing on rope

Weapons: A dagger ( for emergencies)

Strengths: Her illusions and tricks keep her at an advantage over her enemy

Weaknesses: Close quarters fighting, her humanity when it comes to fighting Terra or another human


Favorite Food: Chocolate

Hated Food: Tomatoes

Favourite Colour: Purple 

Hated Colour: Cream colour

Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk

Hated Drink: Ginger Ale

Favorite Place: Japan

Hated Place: School

Favorite Music: Any song she enjoys really. She doesn't have a set favorite genre.

Hated Music: ---

Favorite Pass Time: Writing and drawing

Hated pass time: Sports

Favorite TV Show and Movie: Show: Attack On Titan & NCIS, Movie: Matilda & Tangled

Hated TV Show and Movie: None

Favorite Book: Attack On Titan Manga Series

Hated Book: ---

Favorite Animal: Giraffes

Hated Animal: ---


- Her oldest brother and sister never lived at home throughout her childhood but they did visit as they are adults with their own families.

- She doesn't like her father because in her opinion he's a good for nothing deadbeat who could care less about her

- Her older brother and her older sister have a different dad from her but they took her mother's maiden name

- Her second older sister has a different father from her as well but took her mother's maiden name

- Her younger brother shares the same father but took her mother's maiden name

- Being a witch, she can cast spells on people but she chooses to mess with the minds of her enemies by creating illusions and tricks.

- She gave herself the name 'Mirror' because one of her favourite abilities is to create an illusion mirror. The illusion mirror is a mirror where if her enemy even glances at it, they are stuck staring at it. They are staring at their deepest desires in the mirror. Only one person has fought the will to look away from it and that was Raven during training.

- Mirror has vowed to herself that she will come back when is able to do some good for the world and control her powers well.

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