Matthew Zale

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Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Name: Matthew Zale
Nicknames: Mattie, Z, Rapid Wave Alchemist
Nationality: ---
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Birthday: 12-12-xx
Age: 26
Languages: English

--Physical Appearance--

Height: 5'6
Weight: 130 ibs
Hair Colour: Light brown
Hair Length: short
Hair Style: straight
Eye Color: green
Body Type: Fit, bit lean
Right Handed or Left Handed?: left
Scars: one across his back
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none

--General Attitude--

Personality: Mattie is generally kind to his friends and colleagues. He's a serious yet kind person who works earnestly. Unfortunately, he is quite easy to irritate or make angry.
Likes: Work, food, reading, sweet drinks, organisation
Dislikes: Distractions, setbacks, misuse of alchemy
Fears: Ataxophobia- Fear of disorganisation or untidiness

--Dress Sense--

Typical Clothing: Amestrian state military uniform


Directly Related:
Anna Zale ( Mother- Deceased)
Ezra Zale ( Father- Alive)
Autumn Zale ( Older sister- Alive)

Pets: none
People he considers his family: Friends and actual family


Best Friend: ???
Friends: Roy, Jean, Riza, Maes
Enemies: ???
Love Interest: ???


Backstory: Matthew grew up in a small country to the west of Amestris. His mother died of illness when he was four, so his father and older sister raised. His father went away and worked a lot to support the two making him have a distant relationship with him. He gets along with his older sister well though. His sister researched alchemy for a long time and discovered water alchemy in which she taught Matthew it from when he was 11 years old. As a young adult, he signed up to be a state alchemist and now his rank is equal to that of a major.
Favorite Memory: His favourite memory is playing in the creek in his hometown at the age of 5.
Worst Memory: His worst memory is his mother's sick face before she died.


Talents: Organising, using water alchemy
Weapons: Two pistols in case all hell breaks loose
Strengths: Being organised and having things scheduled, his water alchemy
Weaknesses: He may panic if things are unorganized, not so great with hand to hand combat, Water alchemy will freeze in freezing cold places like Briggs


Favorite Food: Vanilla custard
Hated Food: cheese
Favourite Colour: Cyan
Hated Colour: Yellow
Favorite Drink: Sparkling water
Hated Drink: ginger ale
Favorite Place: West of Amestris
Hated Place: North of Amestris, it's too cold for his alchemy
Favorite Music: Classical
Hated Music: ---
Favorite Pass Time: Organising paperwork
Hated pass time: Being unable to organise things
Favorite TV Show and Movie: ---
Hated TV Show and Movie: ---
Favorite Book: Tale of two cities by Charles Dickens
Hated Book: Picture books
Favorite Animal: Eagle
Hated Animal: Spiders


- Matthew works in central

- If Roy touches anything he just organised, he'll spray him with water.

- He hates the freezing cold because his alchemy will turn into ice and not work like he would like it too. He also hates snow because it requires him to wear layers of clothing.

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