Lucas Tozer

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---General Info:---

Name: Lucas Tozer
Pronunciation: Loo-Cas Toe-Zer
Nicknames: Lucky Lucas
Nationality: Estonian-American
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 17/8/xx
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Age: 18
Languages: English, Estonian

---Physical Appearance:---

Height: 5'6
Weight: 62kg
Hair Colour: Blond
Hair Length: His hair is short and reaches his nape. 
Hair Style: It's a bit wavy and he does have bangs which he normally pins back with bobby pins.
Eye Colour: Greenish-Blue
Body Type: He's quite lean with a bit muscle.
Dominant hand: Right
Scars: Across the palm of his hand.
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None

---General Attitude:---

Personality: Lucas is a good-natured guy who always thinks about others before himself. He's quiet and is always willing to listen to people and their problems. He enjoys giving advice though most of the time he believes his advice isn't helpful. He isn't all that confident but he's got quite a bright mind and offers his ideas when someone asks. 
Likes: Collecting badges, reading, writing, meditating, quiet places, classical music.
Dislikes: Loud noises, loud people, huge crowds, losing his things/misplacing his things.
Fears: Thunderstorms.

---Dress Sense:---

Casual Clothes: Lucas normally wears button-up shirts, black or grey pants and a jumper as his casual type of clothes.
Work/School Clothes: Since he is in his last year of high school, he wears the school's uniform.


Directly related:
Mother: Anna Tamm
Father: Kristan Tozer
Older Sister: Milana Tozer
Pets: A cat named Willow
People they consider their family: his family and friends


Best Friend: ---
Friends: ---
Enemies: ---
Love Interest: ---


Infancy: Lucas was born in a small town to his mother and father. When he was only a few months old, Lucas' mum walked out on his father and older sister, leaving his father to raise Milana and Lucas all by himself.

Childhood: When Lucas just started school, his family decided to move to the city. His father found a solid job as a lawyer and his sister got a casual job because she was 13 and considered old enough to work. Lucas went to school but he found everytime he ended up in a bad situation such as someone bullying him or he was hurt, strange things would happen around like items moving themselves or people being pushed away by an unknown force. Voices would appear in his head, talking clearly as if they were right next to him. This phenomenon would often happen when he was in a huge crowd. He didn't understand why this always happened and so he began to fear crowds.

Adolescence: As he entered his teenage years, he discovered that all the strange things that had happened when he was younger and the talking in his head when he was large crowds was the result of telekinesis. He didn't tell his father or sister in fear that they may view him as a monster. At the age of 14, he started to practice using it finding that when he moved objects and used his telekinesis it calmed his mind, he felt much more at ease and he could enter crowds without hearing everyone's thoughts around him or their projection of their feelings. He discovered that meditating also helped him calm his mind.

Adulthood: Lucas has only just become an adult but he is in grade 12. He works at the local library 3 times a week since it's a nice quiet area.


Powers: Telekinesis.
Talents: Writing, memorizing words and pictures.
Strengths: He works best when he has a calm mind and is in a quiet area.
Weaknesses: He becomes upset or unfocused when his ability hasn't been used. He can't focus when people project their feelings, thoughts or in loud areas.


Favourite Food: Pasta covered in chicken flavoured sauce.
Hated Food: Eggs
Favourite Drink: Raspberry soda.
Hated Drink: Eggnog.
Favourite Colour: Purple.
Hated Colour: Yellow.
Favourite Place: His bedroom.
Hated Place: School.
Favourite Pass Time: Meditating.
Hated Pass Time: Partying.
Favourite Animal: Mice.
Hated Animal: He doesn't have one.

- Lucas believes love is love.

Lucas never actually knew his mother and therefore he could form a relationship with her.

Father: Lucas and his father have a really good relationship. Lucas is always willing to tell his father everything except about his telekinesis. He knows his father is a kind and understanding man but he just has an irrational fear that if he tells him about his ability, his father would think he is a freak or a monster. 

Older Sister: Lucas views his older sister, Milana, as a mother figure especially since she always makes dinner or she sews up his clothes when they need to be sewn. He always goes to his sister for advice because he definitely knows he can trust her with anything and there are some things that felt too embarrassing to ask his father. Milana just has a very maternal vibe coming from her and that always helped calm his mind. Like his father, he is scared to tell Milana about his ability.

Lucas' goals are:
- To graduate from high school with good grades.
- Get into university and study to become a doctor.
- Make his father and older sister proud.
- To get his own apartment.
- To find out where his ability comes from.

Lucas' dreams are:
- To be open about his ability.
- To live back in the country.

---Extra Info:---

- Lucas' ability actually comes from his mother but he doesn't know that.

- Reading also helps calm his mind since it focuses on words rather than other things.

- Lucas found his cat, Willow, out on the street by herself when she was only a kitten.

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