Nathaniel Matthews (Repurposed)

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Fandom: Gravity Falls/ Non-Fandom

---General Info:---

Name: Nathaniel Matthews
Pronunciation: Na-thaan-eel
Nicknames: Nate, Nathan
Nationality: Swedish-American
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 17-11-xx
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Age: 15
Languages: English

---Physical Appearance:---

Height: 5'4
Weight: 130ibs
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Length: Short
Hair Style: Untamed and curly
Eye Colour: Blue
Dominant hand: Right
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None

---General Attitude:---

Personality: Nathaniel is a shy boy who exhibits a kind and caring nature. He tends to be quiet often, especially in front of women due to his gynophobia. When he is upset, he won't say a word. He tends to be a bit oversensitive.
Likes: Drawing, painting, reading, music, puppies, musical movies
Dislikes: crowds, women he doesn't know, animal abuse
Fears: Gynophobia (fear of women), dying.

---Dress Sense:---

Casual Clothes:Nathaniel's typical clothing sense is a button up shirt and dress pants. He will have the buttons up all the way and sometimes wear a tie with it.


Directly related:
Ebba Matthews ( Mother)
Adrian Matthews ( Father)
Olivia Matthews ( First oldest sister)
Aria Matthews ( Second Oldest Sister)
Courtney Matthews ( Third Oldest sister)
Roxanne Matthews ( Fourth Oldest Sister)

Pets: Two dogs named Milo and Princess

People they consider their family: His friends and family


Best Friend: Wendy?
Friends: Mabel, Dipper, Wendy,
Enemies: Robby?
Love Interest: Wendy


Infancy: Nathaniel was born in Marstrand, a country town in Sweden. He is the youngest of his family.

Childhood: At the age of 2, Nathaniel and his family moved to America, residing in California for awhile until they moved to the small town of Gravity Falls as his parents missed the country side. Growing up with 4 older sisters, he was the target of typical sibling teasing. However, his sisters constantly teasing, joking and harrassing him allowed him to develop a fear of women.

Adolescence: Nathaniel is currently going through his teenage years. He met Wendy at the high school and ended up somehow managing to develop a friendship with her despite finding it hard to keep a conversation going.

Adulthood: (Still a teenager)


Powers: None
Talents: Drawing, painting.
Strengths: He can do things better when alone.
Weaknesses: He gets bad anxiety in front of him women he doesn't know and in crowds.


Favourite Food: Meat balls
Hated Food: Pea soup
Favourite Drink: Lemonade
Hated Drink: Prune juice
Favourite Colour: Green
Hated Colour: Pink
Favourite Place: Home
Hated Place: School
Favourite Pass Time: Drawing
Hated Pass Time: Family movie nights
Favourite Animal: Humming bird
Hated Animal: wolf


Nathaniel believes strongly that there is something wrong with the town of Gravity Falls or maybe thats just his anxiety talking.

He is fully supportive of LGBT.


Dipper & Mabel: Nathaniel met the Pines twins when he came to the mystery shack on the first day of the summer. He immediately took a liking to Dipper but was intimidated by Mabel's loudness. He knows that Dipper has a thing for Wendy and mentally considers him a rival, even though he knows he himself has no chance or game to get Wendy.

Wendy: Nathaniel and Wendy met in highschool. He had known who she was since he had lived in Gravity Falls for most of his life. He just didn't know how to talk to her without internally panicking. Thankfully, Wendy thought he was pretty chill and started the friendship. Nathan is slowly warming up to her and even developed a crush on her.

Robby: He is jealous of Robby and even considers him as another rival for Wendy's affection.

Stan Pines: He finds Stan amusing though he suspects the mystery shack is just one big obvious scam.


- Nathan's current goal is to somehow confess his love to Wendy.

Nathan dreams of becoming a famous artist.

---Extra Info:---

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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