Celeste Nakamura/Bennet

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Fandom: Code Geass

---General Info:---

Name: Celeste Nakamura/Bennet
Pronunciation: Sir-Le-Ste Nar-Kar-Moor-Aa
Nicknames: Lestey, Naka
Nationality: Britannian-Japanese
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Birthday: 23-12-xx
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Age: 17
Languages: English, Japanese

---Physical Appearance:---

Height: 5'7
Weight: 56.6kh
Hair Colour: Light brown- almost blonde
Hair Length: Long, reaches mid-back
Hair Style: Straight, normally tied into pigtails or a bun
Eye Colour: Green
Body Type: Hourglass figure
Dominant Hand: Left
Scars: On her cheek
Tattoos: none
Piercings: Ears

---General Attitude:---

Personality: Celeste lives two lives and this causes her to show two different personalities to people. One personality to the people who are ignorant about her second life and another to the people who are fully aware. The people who are fully aware of her second life know that Celeste is strong-willed and determined to get what she wants. She is also somewhat cunning yet stubborn among that. If she has to make a sacrifice for the greater good, she will without hesitation whether that sacrifice is a thing or person. To the people ignorant about who she really is, she comes off as innocent and naive, like she hasn't got a clue as to what is going on in the world. She's kind yet clumsy.
Likes: Celeste likes to read in order pass the time. She actually likes going to school despite everything as learning is something she enjoys. She does like helping people despite how she comes off, just not in the way that she acts at how school.
Dislikes: Celeste dislikes Britannians, irrational thinkers, independent cowards, her father and most of the resistance groups besides the Black Knights.
Fears: Philophobia - The fear of falling in love or emotions

---Dress Sense:---

Casual Clothes: Even when she is not at school or doing operations for the Black Knights, she will be at home 'acting' like a lady. Normally, she wears long dresses and styles her hair to seem suitable.
Work/School Clothes: At school, Celeste will wear the Ashford Academy female uniform. When 'working' she will be dressed in either the Black Knights uniform or a black leather suit covering her body.


Directly related:
Mother: Chinatsu Nakamura ( Status: Unknown)
Father: Ashley Bennet ( Status: Alive)
Aunty: Yukina Nakamura (Status: Alive)
Pets: None
People they consider their family: No one


Best Friend: None
Friends: Lelouch, Nunally, Suzaku, Kallen, Shirley, Milly, Rivalz, Yukina Nakamura
Enemies: The Britannian forces
Love Interest: No one


Infancy: Celeste was born on the 23rd of December to her mother Chinatsu Nakamura. Her father was not present in her life until she was 6 months old. He came back expecting his child to be a boy but was disappointed to find she was a girl.
Childhood: As a child, Celeste grew up in the ghetto, playing with the other kids there. Her mother had hidden her true identity of being half-Britannian half-Japanese from her.
Adolescence: Celeste learnt the truth of her father and immediately felt hatred towards him. She was glad she never knew until now. At the age of 13, her mother suddenly vanished, leaving her by herself in the ghetto. She decided to use her Britannian last name to her advantage and took the nobility she would be granted by doing so. Heading into highschool, she joined a resistant group and was determined to find out where her mother is. When Zero appeared and formed the Black Knights, she immediately joined.
Adulthood: ---


Powers: None
Talents: Almost perfect aim with guns and skilled at using technology
Strengths: She can remain focus and a clear thinker in the worst of times.
Weaknesses: She doesn't trust and that's what makes having any sort of relationship with her difficult.


Favourite Food: Crepes
Hated Food: Mushed up potatoes
Favourite Drink: Spring water
Hated Drink: none
Favourite Colour: Green
Hated Colour: Pink
Favourite Place: Home
Hated Place: Britannia
Favourite Pass Time: Reading
Hated Pass Time: Being useless
Favourite Animal: Hawk
Hated Animal: Mouse

---Extra Info:---

- Yukina Nakamura is her aunty but she works as Celeste's servant and housekeeper. No one knows they are related as they do not share any resemblance.

- Celeste lives in a small mansion that she gained just by saying she is a Bennet. Her father has no idea she's living in it.

- Celeste was actually convinced for a while that Kallen was Zero but evidence proved otherwise.

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