Katsuki Nekogami

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Fandom: Nanbaka/Non-Fandom

Name: Katsuki Nekogami
Nicknames: The cat, pussy, Mc-Hissy
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Human
Birthday: 14-4-xx
Age: 31
Languages: Japanese

--Physical Appearance--

Height: 5'7
Weight: 131 ibs
Hair Colour: black & purple
Hair Length: Reaches shoulder blades
Hair Style: Straight, tied into bun pig-tails
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Lean yet muscular 
Right Handed or Left Handed?: Ambidextrous
Scars: On his hand
Tattoos: A small black cat on his shoulder
Piercings: None

--General Attitude--

Personality: Katsuki's personality can be described as that of a cat's. That's why he earned the nickname of The Cat. A majority of the time he is moody and snappish especially towards his inmates. Other times he is smiley and actually shows kindness and respect towards his favourite inmates.

Likes: Katsuki likes to eat fish for any meal as he finds it a good source of protein. He likes to train his body and he enjoys climbing things though he rarely does it.

Dislikes: He dislikes the taunting of his inmates and dirt.

Fears: Katsuki only fears two things- thunder and Kenshirou.

--Dress Sense--

Typical Clothing: Katsuki wears the standard guard uniform along with a band on his upper arm stating he is the supervisor of building 10. He also has a cat clip on his hat along with a fake tail attached to his belt and fake cat claws on his fingers.


Directly Related:

Saki Nekogami- Younger Sister

Pets: 2 cats named Patches and Boo
People he considers his family: Hajime and Samon


Best Friend: None
Friends: Hajime, Samon, Seitarou, Mitsuru, Momoko
Love Interest: ???


Backstory: Katsuki use to be a police officer and a well respected one at that but after some time, he found himself getting bored of the job. He decided to train as a Nanba guard and was allocated in building 10. He eventually worked his way up the latter and became the supervisor of the building when the old one retired.

Favorite Memory: His days back in Police Academy.

Worst Memory: ???


Talents: Katsuki is considered a talented cook along with being a talented martial artist.
Weapons: Katana
Strengths: He can hear very well and he can see really well in the dark.
Weaknesses: He hates water and can't swim very well.


Favorite Food: Tuna
Hated Food: Oranges
Favourite Colour: Red
Hated Colour: Grey
Favorite Drink: Tea
Hated Drink: Salt water
Favorite Place: Tokyo
Hated Place: Any beaches
Favorite Music: Rock
Hated Music: Pop & Classical
Favorite Pass Time: Training
Hated pass time: Capturing inmates
Favorite TV Show and Movie: ---
Hated TV Show and Movie: ---
Favorite Book: ---
Hated Book: ---
Favorite Animal: Cats
Hated Animal: Dogs


-Katsuki fears Kenshirou due to the fact the man is nicknamed the 'warden's dog'. Dogs freak him out.

-He attempted to bring his cats with him to work. That didn't work out so well.

- Tuna and mackerel are his favourite fish to eat though any fish dish is good enough for him.

- The scar on his hand is back from his days as a cop. He was sliced by a criminal with knife. Though he got stitches for the deep cut, it became infected and needed medicine to treat it. Ever since then, it didn't heal properly. It has become a prominent scar.

- When he earnt the nickname ' The Cat', he decided to play with it by wearing a tail and claws to work. He will literally scratch inmates faces if he has to.

- Mc-Hissy is a nickname given to him by Hajime because when he can't get out of a situation, he will hiss.

- Pussy is a nickname given by his inmates to mock him.

- As scary as Momoko appears, he considers her to be a good friend.

- His sister, Saki, is only 15. She lives with him but mostly looks after herself due to the fact he works a lot.

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