Kikuko ' Kiku' Akiyama

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Fandom: Ouran Highschool Host Club/Non-Fandom

---General Info:---

Name: Kikuko 'Kiku' Akiyama
Pronunciation: Kee-koo-ko Ar-Kee-Yar-Mar
Nicknames: Kiku
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: 15-1-xx
Zodiac Sign: Aquarias
Age: 16
Languages: Japanese, semi-fluent in English

---Physical Appearance:---

Height: 5'5
Weight: 60Kg
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Length: Short, just above the shoulders
Hair Style: Straight, sometimes tied up in a ponytail
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Body Type: ---
Dominant hand: Right
Scars: Across his forearm
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none

---General Attitude:---

Personality:  Kiku is shy and very soft-spoken. He's empathetic with those around him and he's generous. He's honest and rather humble. He doesn't like to get attention. However, he can be clumsy and cowardly. Some people consider him to be too delicate and disorganized with his goals in life.
Likes: Kiku likes clothes, art, music, kind people and pop bands.
Dislikes: He dislikes negative people, being mistaken for a girl, being treated like a doll and large crowds.
Fears: Small spaces, large crowds, loud noises

---Dress Sense:---

Casual Clothes: Kiku's casual clothes varies from skinny jeans and T-shirts to track pants and a jacket.
Work/School Clothes: He wears the male uniform of Ouran Academy despite everyone thinking he is a girl.


Directly related:
Mother: Miwa Akiyama
Father: Akihisa Akiyama
Older Sister: Kimiko Akiyama
Pets: A husky named Tora
People they consider their family: His friends and real family.


Best Friend: No one
Friends: Tamaki, Kyoya, Haruhi, The Hitachiin Twins
Enemies: ??
Love Interest: No one


Infancy: Kiku was born into a family with a fashion legacy in Japan and in the western world. As soon as he was born, being male, it was guaranteed he would be taking charge of the company. His mother was expecting him to be born a girl, therefore, she gave him the feminine name of Kikuko.
Childhood: Upon starting school, he was often mistaken for a girl due to the fact his mother let his hair grow out and his female sounding name. Getting older, he decided to shorten it to just 'Kiku'. His older sister often refused to model the little girls' clothes for the company, so his mother made him do it and unfortunately, he suited the part.
Adolescence: Kiku got into Ouran Academy due to his family's wealth. There, he was hoping to start new but a lot of the students still mistook him for a girl. He found the Host Club and would go in there to watch the people. He often found the crowd in the club wasn't large or too noisy for him. This is how he became friends with Tamaki, Kyoya, and Haruhi.
Adulthood: ( Still a teenager)


Powers: None
Talents: Sewing, dancing, charismatic with animals, designing clothes
Strengths: He works well in small crowds and a creative environment.
Weaknesses: He can't stand large crowds.


Favourite Food: White rice
Hated Food: Eggplant
Favourite Drink: Ramonade
Hated Drink: Orange Juice
Favourite Colour: Blue
Hated Colour: Pink
Favourite Place: Paris
Hated Place: Vietnam
Favourite Pass Time: Dancing
Hated Pass Time: Doing homework
Favourite Animal: Dogs
Hated Animal: Squirrels

---Extra Info:---

- Host Type: The Fashionista

- Kiku went on a business trip to Vietnam with his father and just found he disliked the weather. Nothing personal against Vietnam,

- He met Tamaki and Kyoya in his class. He finds Kyoya to be a rather intelligent individual while Tamaki is just too much for him to handle.

- His interactions with those two mainly happen in the class. He sometimes goes to the host club but he then gets mistaken for a girl by the other hosts.

- He really dislikes being called a girl or 'shota looking'. If he had the heart to kill, he probably would kill you for saying that.

- When his mother was pregnant with his older sister, she was told she was expecting twins but when she had his sister, she found that wasn't the case. She had been saving the names 'Kumiko' and 'Kikuko' for twin girls but gave them to her daughter and son instead.

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