Sana Adachi

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  Fandom: Non-Fandom

---General Info:---

Name: Sana Adachi
Pronunciation: Sar-Nar Ar-Dar-Ch-Ee
Nicknames: Nana
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Birthday: 29-1-xx
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Age: 800 Years Old
Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Spanish, French

---Physical Appearance:---

Height: 5'8
Weight: 63.5KG
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Length: Reaches mid back
Hair Style: Straight but is normally tied up
Eye Colour: Red
Body Type: Pear with wide hips but small bust
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Both her ears are pierced

---General Attitude:---

Personality: Sana can be described as an emotionless blank void as she hardly ever shows emotions or interest in anything. She appears very apathetic most of the time and tends to not care about most things, making her completely opposite to both of her brothers.
Likes: Sana likes to sew and cook, though the human food is weird to eat. She just enjoys the sensation of cooking.
Dislikes: She appears to dislike most things.
Fears: Holy objects and cursed weapons.

---Dress Sense:---

Casual Clothes: She likes to wear black and white dresses with a hoody over the top half of the dress as her casual clothes.
Work/School Clothes: Her noble uniform is a white dress that reaches her knees. She wears a cloak and stockings along with boots to complete the look.


Directly related:
Mother: Hime Adachi
Father: Azamuku Adachi
Older Brother: Satoshi Adachi
Younger Brother: Sora Adachi

Pets: None
People they consider their family: her family


Best Friend: ???
Friends: ???
Enemies: ???
Love Interest: ???


Infancy: Sana was born into the noble Adachi vampire family as the second oldest child and the only daughter. Even from infancy, she was quiet and emotionless, hardly crying or complaining.
Childhood: Sana spent most of her days reading as a child. She didn't care for much else.
Adolescence: As a teenager, she would often go with her older brother to hunt humans, drink blood or find vulnerable human victims to be their blood slave.
Adulthood: As an adult, Sana is the 9th progenitor among the vampires. She is a skilled fighter but hardly fights which just makes others fear her more. She resides in the Adachi mansion with her parents and older brother.


Powers: Vampire healing, superhuman strength, superhuman speed
Talents: Cooking, fighting, sewing
Strengths: Sword fighting
Weaknesses: Holy objects and cursed weapons


Favourite Food: Ice cream
Hated Food: Peaches
Favourite Drink: Blood
Hated Drink: ---
Favourite Colour: Light blue
Hated Colour: Pink
Favourite Place: Romania
Hated Place: Ireland
Favourite Pass Time: ---
Hated Pass Time: ---
Favourite Animal: ---
Hated Animal: ---

---Extra Info:---  

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