Chapter 10 -Teasing Game-

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I woke up feeling the morning sun smoothly hitting my eyes. I stretch out my hands and land my left hand on the spot where Jungkook is sleeping. I don't feel anything.

I turn my head to see and he is not there. Where is he ?
Instead I saw a piece of paper. I picked it up and start reading it.

" Good morning beautiful !
Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, I left early so that your parents won't find us naked in your bed (😏) and also to finish putting some stuff in my luggage for our trip later.
Please eat well and I'll see you later~
I love you,

I smile appeared on my face. How can this boy be so sweet and horny at the same time xD ?
I got up from my bed and put on some clothes and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. When I finished I went down stairs to have some breakfast. As I was coming down the stairs the sweet smell of pure fresh made waffles hit my face.

I arrived at the kitchen and found my mom, my dad and my brother there waiting for me.

Dad: Ah~ Heeyeon-ah good morning sweetie.

Heeyeon: Good morning dad.

Mom: Come and sit sweetie you came just in time, breakfast is ready.

We all sat on the table and started eating. I missed having breakfast with my family. I felt so lonely when my brother was away and our parents being in Japan most of the year because of their work. I have to cherish these moments while they last before the leave again for Japan.

We all finished our breakfast and I helped my mom clean the table. After that I went upstairs to my room to pack some last minute staff. Then I received a message from Tiffany.

Tiffany: Good morning bestie~ We're gonna meet at your house in about 15 minutes to take you and leave for the airport💕

Heeyeon: Ok~

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I wore a white shirt with light blue stripes and a pair of black shorts and my white converse.

Jonghyun: Yahh~ Heeyeon-ah !!

My brother was calling me from downstairs.

Heeyeon: Yeah !?

Jonghyun: The guys are here lets go !

Heeyeon: Ok I'm coming !!

I grabbed my suitcase and my bag and went downstairs. They were all in the living room waiting for me.

Taehyung: Are you ready ?

HeeYeon: Yeah lets go.

Mom: HeeYeon ahh~ Please come to the kitchen to grab some snacks I made you.

HeeYeon: Yeah I'm coming

I went to the kitchen and Jungkook followed me.
My mom had prepared us a lot of delicious snacks for the road.

Mom: Please sweetie pack the snacks cuz I need to go, I have some work to do.
Have a safe flight.

She kissed me on the forehead said buy to me and Jungkook and left.
I placed the food into small containers and I needed a plastic bag to put them in.
I bent down to get a bag form the counter.

Jungkook: What are you doing ?

He said with a tone like he was straggling with something.

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