chapter 1 -freed

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*blurred voices* 

"Get away from me!"

"You little bitch! You really think you're gonna get rid of me that easily?!"

All I can feel is pain.

"Stop it you're hurti——"
Then everything went silent.

This has got to be the worst breakup in history!
Have you ever heard of anyone ending up in the hospital with four broken ribs after their break up? Well it happened to me and it was the most traumatic time of my life. I've never felt this way before..
One day you think you know someone and the other he becomes this whole other person and looks like a total stranger that puts your life in danger over and over again.

It feels like it happened yesterday and it been seven months. Yet the nightmares are still haunting me and whenever I'm starting to feel better and get my life back on track... there he comes.. Stalking me, watching my every move, storming to my apartment in the middle of the night knocking on the door yelling. He is so into his addictions that he lost his damn mind!
I've come to the conclusion that this man will never leave me alone.

I'm making my way out of the doctors office once again after my check up to see how my ribs are doing. Thankfully they are completely healed I just got to be careful not to lift anything heavy because they might hurt a little.

"Here let me take your bag"

"My bag is not that heavy Taehyung relax"

"Are you kidding you're like carrying twenty books for your classes"

Taehyung is my friend I met him one year ago and he lives in the apartment right next to mine. He is the one that heard my fight with Jihun seven months ago and found me on the floor inside my apartment unconscious.

"Thank you for coming with me today"

"Don't even think about it, it was the least I can do. I'm just happy to see you well again"

"For now" I said and he looked at me with serious eyes.

"I kidding jeez"

"Well don't joke about stuff like this! You know how much I'm worrying about you" he said indignantly

We walked a few blocks away from the doctors office to a parking lot where Taehyung left his car. We got in and he started the engine.

"Want me to take you home?"

"No I have a few classes I need to attend. I'll be with Tiffany don't worry"

He nodded and started driving towards my university. He dropped me off and went inside to go to my class. I found Tiffany on the hallway and we headed to our class and told her everything the doctor said earlier. She was worried just as much Taehyung was or even more since we know each other for so long, she is like the sister I never had.

"Thank goodness you are okay! I was waiting anxiously for you to come and tell me"

"Everything went well Tiff don't worry" I said and smiled at her

The rest of the day went smoothly we finished our classes studied a bit at the library and it was time to gather my stuff and go back home.

"Oh before I forget, you remember that this Saturday is my cousins bachelor party right? You are invited too"

"Oh yeah I remember. Send me the details later"

"Okay sweetie talk to you later"

I kiss Tiffany goodbye and went to take the bus to go home. On my way I stopped at the convenience store to grab some stuff I wanted and went for a walk at the park in our neighbourhood on my way home. The weather was so nice, the spring breeze was brushing away my hair and the sun was shining bright. I really loved this place it was calm and peaceful here, the place is filled with flowers and it has a small lake with a bridge on top and a few cute small ducks in it. I sat on the bench near the lake, closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air.

"Well well, long time no see little one"

My eyes widened. Not again please..
I turned my head and saw Jihun standing there. His eyes were red from all the drugs he is doing, his clothes were dirty and I could smell the alcohol for over here.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to hide the fear in my voice. My hands are trembling

"Fear not sweetheart. I'm just taking a walk at the park and I came to visit my lovely girlfriend" he said with a disgusting smirk on his face

"I'm not your girlfriend anymore" I said serious

"Oh really since when and I didn't know?"

He was acting surprised as if he knew nothing. Pft It's one of his games again.

"Stop the games Jihun and leave me alone"

I said and got up while taking my things turning around to leave but he grabbed my arm and turned me around so steep that I felt a sudden pain on my ribs.

"Agh- let go of me your hurting me" I said as I straggled to get out of his grip.

"You don't understand little girl, I will be the one to decide when this relationship is over you understand?!"

"It is already over!!" I yelled

He raised his other hand ready to slap me. I gasped and closed my eyes. It would take three seconds for his hand to reach my face. I squeeze my eyes even more waiting to feel the pain on my face.




But it never came.

I open my eyes trying to figure out what is happening. There was a young man around my age holding Jihun's hand.

"Let go of her"

"Get the fuck out of here kiddo it's non of your business!" Jihun said in anger

"I said.. let her go. I already called the police" the young man said calmly

Jihun slowly lets go of my hand and looks at me and the boy while backing away.

"We are not done" he said while pointing at me and leaving.

When he was out of my sight I caught my breath again, felt like I couldn't breathe for a second. I sat back down on the bench trying to calm down and placing my hand on my right side were my broken ribs where.

"Are you ok do you need some water?" The boy asked.

"No no- I'm fine"

"I can't believe this bastard was about to hit you" he murmured

"He have done worse" I said spontaneously

He was looking at me in shocked with what I had just said.

"What do you mean? Are you in danger?"

"No no it's nothing" I said while standing up and clearing my voice

"Well um thanks again for um helping me.. I should get going now"

"Do you want me to take you somewhere?"

"No I'm fine, thank you though" I said and turned around to leave

"What is your name?" He asked all of a sudden

I turned around to face him


My phone started ringing

"Sorry I need to take this"

"It's ok, I hope to see you around again" he said and looked at me with his brown eyes that made my soul feel calm for some reason.

I waved at him picked up the call and finally got home.. the only place I felt safe.


Thank you all for reading my book, chapter 2 is coming soon! Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

xoxo Denise

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