chapter 4 - psycho

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I lay down on my bed thinking about what happened earlier. Even thinking about it gave me butterflies. Then a notification was heard from my phone. It was a message from Jungkook.

"Good night little one"

A smile formed on my face.

"Good night to you too Jungkook"

I put my phone to the side and the smile never left my face. Trying to go to sleep was like a challenge that night, but I managed to sleep after some time.

*alarm rings*

I didn't want to get out of bed I wanted to stay here but I had to go to the university. I got up to get ready, ate something quick and Taehyung offered to drop me off on his way to work.

I arrived and went to get a few things from my locker and head to class. I greeted Tiffany and we both started going to class. I told her everything about last night and she seemed really happy.

"I'm so happy for you Heeyeon! It's been so long since I last saw you this happy!"

"I'm trying not to get my hopes up though"

"Nah Taehyung said he is a good guy. I trust him."She said while we sat on our desk in class.

The whole week passed by pretty smoothly. Me and Jungkook texted each other the whole week. We didn't have the chance to meet because i was so busy with my studies since the finals for my degree are in one month and he was very understanding about that. I promised to see him this weekend. It seems that him and I have really bonded.

It's finally Friday and I stayed till late at the university library to finish an assignment I had to turn in next week. It was already dark outside and I was so exhausted I couldn't wait to go home and sleep. I collected my things and left. After walking almost fifteen minutes I was on this narrow alley that leads to my building faster when I suddenly felt a hand grabbing mine and pinning me to the wall and squeezing my neck.

"Aghh" I groan in pain

"I told you something the last time I saw you. You and I are not done yet!"

"Fuck off Jihun let me go!"

"You belong to me! No one deserves to touch you, not your new boyfriend or anyone else"

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending!" He yelled in my face. "I mean the guy from the park. I saw him kissing you."

"You don't know what you're saying. Leave him out of this!"

He slapped he so hard I felt my head going dizzy.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I wanna ruin everything you love, see you suffer and have you all to myself."

"What makes you think I'm gonna come back to you after all this! You're crazy you hear me? You're a sick psycho!"


He slapped me again and I fell to the ground. He grabbed my hands tightly making it impossible to escape. He hovered on top of me and with his free hand he tried to unbutton my shirt and jeans.
No.. no no no please make it stop. Make it stop!!

"Now let me show you what real pleasure feels like darling"

He started kissing and biting my neck and my tears were running down my cheeks. I was screaming on top of my lungs for help but he tried to close my mouth with his free hand but I bit it. He groaned in pain which made his grip around my hands loose. I pushed him with my leg and tried to get up and run. He was quick and grabbed my leg making me fall to the ground again. The wound on my ribs started hurting making me powerless.

"You fucking bitch!! You will regret this!"

He punched me in the face making my nose bleed and my vision becomes blurry.

"Get the fuck away from her!!"

I could hear Jungkook's voice. He came running to us and grabbed Jihun by the shoulders and pushing him to the wall.

"You again?! See Heeyeon your brave boyfriend came to rescue you" he said and laughed hysterically.

"Don't you ever dare to go near her again!" Jungkook said angrily and punched Jihun multiple times till he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Jungkook came to help me to get up and wrapped his arm around my waist supporting me. He helped me get inside my apartment and sat me on the couch. He kneeled in front of me cupping my face in his hands.

"Are you ok? How did this happened?"

"I was coming home from the university and he just came out of nowhere grabbed me and pushed me to the wall. He hit me and I fell to the ground and he tried to.." I stopped and tears started forming in my eyes.

"What did he try to do to you?"

"He.. he tried to rape me.." I said and started crying unable to hold back my tears.

Jungkook looked at me speechless and his eyes darkened from the anger that was starting to take over his body. He sat beside me and locked me in his arms. I hugged him back and cried even harder.

"Shh.. I'm here now.. I won't let anything happen to you again" he said while stroking my hair. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"Don't leave"

"What ?" he looked at me puzzled.

"Stay here the night with me. I don't want to be alone"

His features softened.

"Of course I'll stay don't worry"

He cleaned the blood from my nose and treated some scratches on my hands. He waited outside my room while I was changing which was really difficult to do because my ribs were hurting from earlier. When I was ready he helped me lie down in bed.

"I'm gonna sleep on the couch. Call me if you need anything"

He was about to turn around and leave but I grabbed his hand.

"You can sleep here"

"Are you sure" He asked and looked at me.

"Yes" I said and made room on my bed for him to lay down.

He came beside me and we looked at each other and he caressed my cheek softly.

"You need to rest Heeyeon. Don't worry I will be right beside you" he said and kissed my forehead

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

What do you guys think of the story so far?

Chapter 5 coming really soon!
Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading my book!
xoxo Denise

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