chapter 5 - closer

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This chapter contains mature scenes. If you're not feeling comfortable reading it you can skip this chapter.


I woke up feeling exhausted, my whole body was hurting and I couldn't find the strength to get out of bed. I turned my head and looked beside me only to find the side Jungkook was sleeping empty. He must have left I thought and felt a little disappointed.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw saw a small scratch on my cheek and thought to myself why am I going through all this?
I washed my face and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I found Jungkook cooking and I got surprised, I thought he left. I instantly smiled I was glad he stayed.

"Oh good morning" he said with a smile on his face.

"Good morning Jungkook!"

"How did you sleep? Did you rest?"

"Yeah I'm feeling better than yesterday. Thank you for staying" I said and went beside him.

He looked at me and smiled.

"What are you making? It smells delicious"

"Scrambled eggs. Have a sit it's almost ready"

I sat on the table and watched him cook. I was observing him in silence and not gonna lie watching him cook was attractive for some reason. He served me my food and I started eating.

"Oh my god it's delicious! I didn't know you can cook"

"Well now you know it"

"Thank you but you didn't have to go through such trouble"

"It was the least I could do, don't worry about it"

I continued eating but realised he wasn't. He didn't have a serving for himself.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He shook his head "No I'm not hungry"

I felt bad. He got up early just to make me breakfast. I got up and grabbed another plate and put half of my portion in it and gave it to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Eat it or else I won't eat mine"

After some time we finished eating and talked for a bit.

"Are you working today?" I asked

"No I'm not, but I have to go run some personal errands. What are you gonna do today?"

"I'm gonna try to study a bit for my finals in one month"

"I'm sure you'll do great!"

"Unfortunately I have to go, you try to relax and rest a bit ok"

I nodded and he got up and came to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"See you later~" he smiled at me and went out the door.

I washed the dishes, cleaned the table and went to take a shower. I undressed myself and looked at the scratches on my hands reminding me of what happened yesterday. I got under the shower closed my eyes and turned on the water letting it run down my whole body as if it will rinse off all the bad memories I have.

When I was finished I got dressed and tried to focus and study for a few hours. It was five in the afternoon by the time I finished.
Suddenly it started raining. I hate when it rains it makes me feel lonely. I live all alone in Seoul, my parents moved to Tokyo for the sake of their jobs and I stayed behind for my studies. I'm not planning to move to Tokyo once I finish with my studies at the university. I have my life here, my friends. I can't leave everything behind and start a new life there.
I grabbed my phone and called my mom. We talk every day for hours. It was really hard for them to leave but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them. After a few beeps she answered.

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