"I'm sorry if I came too early..." Radar quickly started apologising, feeling his face flush red at the realization that he might be five minutes earlier than he had intended.

"No, you're not early." Jesse said dismissively as she yanked on her boots. "Axel and I were chasing each other in the rain yesterday night till late, so I just overslept."

Radar felt himself relax a little. Jesse was so carefree, so chilled out, he didn't have anything to worry about after all. Right?

"OK!" Jesse said cheerfully, jumping to her feet.

She quickly pulled her bare fingers through her hair a few times to sort out the worst tangles, before putting her hands on her hips.

"You ready?" She asked, grinning at Radar.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Radar said with an anxious chuckle, lightly shrugging his shoulders.

Jesse was so open and friendly, but she was still his boss, and he was still nervous around her. After all, she's been his idol ever since the Wither Storm Battle took place all those years ago.

"Then let's go!" Jesse said, giving Radar a playful slap on the shoulder, and energetically walking towards the door.

"Sorry you had to meet me here." She said, as they stepped outside and she kicked the door shut again with her foot. "I completely forgot to get you a set of keys for the office!"

"That's OK." Radar said as they started walking down the street together.

He felt anxious as people turned their heads to look at them, a lot waving to Jesse. She grinned, waving back to citizens, and high-fiving some people she passed. Even when they passed a mother with a young boy who started squealing at the sight of Jesse, she bent down to give him a hug.

Radar was amazed at how welcoming and cheerful Jesse was, showing so much kindness towards her citizens. It was so different from Stella and Champion City where he used to live. Stella never even smiled at her citizens, unless they were bringing her things.

"Here we are!" Jesse announced, stepping up to one of the large buildings. "This is my office, where the boring stuff like paperwork is done." She said as she started unlocking the door with a set of keys.

Radar was kind of amused to hear Jesse calling her own work 'boring'. He followed her inside the wooden building, looking around in awe. There were many framed photographs on the wall of Jesse and her friends. A few of them were pictures of the Order wearing their gleaming armour and holding their enchanted weapons, but for the most part they just looked like normal people... Sitting together on the grass in a field, pulling silly faces at the camera... 

There was even a row of images, telling a short story. The first one showed Axel, posing for the camera. On the next one, Olivia had leapt up behind him, her arms around his neck. The next image Jesse had joined, and Axel now had both of the girls on his shoulders. On the next image Petra had also clambered on top, all of them laughing hysterically, while Axel's face was red with the effort to hold all three of them. The final picture showed them laying in a heap on the grass, Lukas proudly posing in front of them.

"Ah, memories." Jesse said, crossing her arms as she also stopped to look at the row of images. "Simpler times, simpler times."

Radar caught onto a hint of sadness in her voice, but decided that he was probably imagining it. Jesse was so cheerful outside, giving citizens hugs or high-fives, she couldn't possibly be sad now, could she?

"So, um, what should I do first?" Radar asked, looking over at Jesse nervously.

He felt awfully unprepared for this new job. What if he messed it up?

MCSM One Shots (2018-2019)Where stories live. Discover now