Yoitsme108 x all🤓🤷🏼‍♀️

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Yoitsme108: ok, some of them like me.

Poe: Yeah!

Yoitsme108: *blushes*

Poe: not like that though. Heh heh, you're just fun.

Yoitsme108: I guess.

Anakin: you have too many Star Wars crushes.

Yoitsme108: oh buddy brown there was a lot more, trust me. But I didn't wanna be typing for an eternity.

Anakin: not surprised.

Yoitsme108: what? Star Wars is amazing!

Luke: I can't believe you like me so much. Like why?

Yoitsme108: because before good ol Bennie boi took off the mask in the force awakens you were what I needed a mop for.

Luke: oh maker that's too much.

Obi-Wan: and what about me?

Yoitsme108: I watched the trilogy before the prequels so when I saw you I was like 'damn this Star Wars thing just keeps gettin better!'

Obi-Wan: how old were you *fake throws up*

Yoitsme108: I dunno, like ten.

Anakin: a ten year old had thoughts like that?

Yoitsme108: oh well when you showed up in Attack of the clones my ten year old thoughts were even more R rated.

Anakin: stop! Enough!

Ben: but you liked me the most?

Yoitsme108: oooohhhh yessssssssss. Like the theater seat-

Finn: don't even finish that nasty statement!

Yoitsme108: speaking of Finn, ugh! The second you took of the helmet!!!🙌🏻🙏🏻😘

Finn: I was all sweaty tho.

Yoitsme108: still hot as ever!

Poe: that's why I'm confused on why Krennic is here. Because if we're all hot, what's his excuse?

Krennic: first of all, rude.

Yoitsme108: because!!!!! I know he's not hot but he's the real OG!

Krennic: I'm okay with that.

Hux: Yoitsme108, I had a dream about killing you last night.

Yoitsme108: funny, I dreamt about you too last night. (Domhnall Gleeson was actually in my dream😂)

Hux: it was beautiful, the way the light left your eyes. Probably the most satisfied I have ever been.

Yoitsme108: damn, guys! I made him the most satisfied he's ever been!!! I'm good!!! What an achievement!!!!! I satisfied Armitage Hux everyone!!!

Hux: shhhhh shush!!! Not like that!!

Finn and Poe: *die of laughter*

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