(19) - Another proposal?

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I'm done with my food and felt so blessed. Since the members were so damn noicy as always and interrupted me from watching the dramatic sunset, I needed some fresh air outside.

"Oppa, I needed some air. The atmosphere is a bit tense." I complaint and making my way out from the cafe. As I expected, he was smirking. Gosh! Can you not?

"Alright. Don't take it too long."

I was searching for the nearby beach around this area to escape the reality while watching the scenery sunset alone, without an interruption.

There's a long, huge and rough log for me to sit at the seaside. So, I took this opportunity to sit on it before other people take it.

Why do I always involved in these stupid drama? How should I ended this without getting hurt? Do I have to take this seriously? I want to end this quickly but how?

Millions of questions or thoughts haven't answered in my mind and it seemed that I lost in my own thoughts again. My heart nor brain was not telling, at least an exact answer to my question.

Can I just sing while glancing to the beautiful sunset infront of me to escape this freaking unfair reality to make it more dramatic like in that freaking romantic movie? I'm tired of these and I felt so frustrated already!

Solji's Leaning on wind suddenly popped out from my mind. I immediately sang to the beat and followed the rhythm. This song is almost the same as my storyline as I have right now.

I shutted my eyes while sighing right after I've finished. I could feel some weight of burden on both of my shoulders. It's okay, Jisu! That means you are capable enough to stay patience. Am I?

"Nice voice you have there!"

A familiar yet soft sounds were whistling through my eardrums. I turned my head to my side to see Jaehwan who was waving and standing not so far from me.

"Oh, it's just you! Have a sit then." I patted an empty sit beside me emotionless then sighed again.

Jaehwan noticed that I'm not in a good mood or in a best condition so he tried to break the wall of silence to make it not awkward as it already is. "Sorry to ask but.. why are you sighing? Is it because of me?"

"Ah.. no. Life is unfair, that's it."

"Yeah... it is. But, we just have to cope it with patience and positive attitudes." I nodded to his statement and hung my head low. I don't know why I felt so down today. "Hmm.. should I sing you something to light up your mood a bit?" I nodded weakly and my mouth just barely don't want to talk.

He cleared his throat and started singing to Goblin's Beautiful by Crush. To be honest, his voice is truly my healer than any other drugs. Thanks, Kim Jaehwan! You knew what's my healer is and I really appreciated it.

Again, silence conquered us right after he had finished singing and we don't know how to speak up. It's not that we were awkward, the courage to speak up is not there.

"Jaehwan, thank you." I sincerely said.

"No problem! My pleasure to help. By any chance, would you mind to tell me what's your problem? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. If you want someone's to talk to, I'm all ears."

"I don't know, Jaehwan. This sudden anxiety really feed up all of my body right now and that particular person just.. reminds me of that fuckboy. The clear vision of him suddenly running around in my head like.. it can't be stopped." I said in a monotone voice.

"Daniel, is it?"

"Don't.. talk about him. How do you know though?"

"He talked to me about the confession he told you. So, I'm here just to make sure that you are okay." I could hear that his voice were full of sadness and a bit of disappointment.

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