(13) - Surprise

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Jisu's POV

A beam of light disturbed my vision which caused me to awake. I blinked my eyes gently and found that I was laying on the sofa with the ceiling lights were turning on.

I scratched my body and sat up from my position while scanning the dorm. The last time I remembered was Daniel sat beside me but now, where is he? And also, why the dorm is so damn quiet? It makes me chills thinking of that since the dorm was quite open space.

The night starting to embrace so I better searched for them. I don't want to be alone in this dorm with my conditions right now.

Before I started looking for them, a piece of folded paper took my attention on the coffee table that I have to open it right away.

Hye Jisu! We were so sorry to leave you behind along with Daniel. We just don't want our plans to be ruined. Hehe.. anyway, as long as you have read this, please do the first statement in order to find us. Goodluck! :')

Help us to wake up our center or 'prince' (pfft!!) in his room. Then, worked together to find the clue yet it is still in his room.

- Wanna One

Oh come on, Wanna One! You have got to be kidding me. Why me?! Just why I have to wake him up and walked into his room? Yah! Just don't! But if I don't do this, I wouldn't be able to get the next clue. Aish!

At first, I wanted to use the stairs instead of the lift but, since all the pathway along the stairs were occupied with a total darkness, I'm quite scared and ended using a lift.

A 'ping' sound could be heard and I dragged my feet out from the lift. I took a glance at my oppa's door and murmured under my breath that he should pay for this. I knew it, this is all his plans.

I have knocked several times at this Kang Daniel's door and there's no sign of him opened it or even footsteps to open the door. Pabo me. The paper said I have to wake him up and that means he was having a death sleep!

I gathered my courage for not waking him up by pushing down the doorknob slowly. Oh my gosh!!! What if Daniel has awaked and spotted me that I barged into his room just like that? No. The paper has told me everything that he was having a death sleep. Positive!

"Mmm.. Jisu? What are you doing here?"

OH GOSH!! DANIEL!! HAS!! AWAKEN!! THAT STUPID PAPER!! I turned away and slammed the door shut due to the shockness. His back was leaning against the bed's board while playing his phone. His face was quite confused and surprised yet so innocent with his glasses on. Aww so adorable!! Wait. Why am I fangirling over him?

Should I open it again or just wait for Daniel to open it instead?

Just then, my back felt empty. Omona!! Just why I'm leaning my back against the door? I lost my balance and would be ended falling. See you in heaven everyone. I'm waiting!

But, nothing is happening. Instead, Daniel caught me on my waist and both of my arms automatically hugged behind his neck - so literally we're hugging - and OUR FACES JUST ABOUT CENTIMETERS LEFT!!! His warmth breath or should I say, manly, brushing against my skin!

I gulped nervously and couldn't help it, bit my bottom lips. This is so unreal for me!! Firstly, Jaehwan then Jinyoung. This time, Daniel's turn! I tried to move but he stopped me.

"Can we... stay... like this... for a moment?" He asked huskily within a paused. Only God knows how I'm feeling right now.

He let it go gently then escort me awkwardly when we went deeper into his room. Who wouldn't? He told me to sit at his couch first while he was settling some stuffs.

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