Chapter 5 "Conversations and Contemplations"

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"How are you so fast?" You whisper to the bird, stroking it's chin. "I wish I could soar like you, watch everyone." And especially Garnet, you think, but brush off the thought because it's very stalker-like. Your smile fades the minute the door is knocked. No one ever knocks at your hotel room. Ever. So when you happened to eventually pass by the actual door, you partially opened it, and saw a familiar curly haired boy. "Steven!" You smile. "What do you want?" You lean against the door. "Your phone's ringing." He points out. You wonder who the heck it is, especially now, so you refuse to answer it, no matter how persistent they are (the person). Finally the last and final nerve and ring ends so you say goodbye to Steven and answer. The bird is still perched by the windowsill, he stares at you, and it seems quite encouraging. "Go on." You mutter annoyingly, and it's to you and him. He flies away. You answer the call, and it's....

Garnet. "How did you get my number, then?" She thinks a little, and you try to mumble, but she cuts you off. "Steven." 

Y: "Well, did you ask him?" G: "No. He just gave it to me, seeing as he actually wasn't asleep, and listened in on our, er, arrangement." Y: "Oh." G: "Yeah, oh. Well, see you in five, right? I'm a few steps away." Y: "What? -mumbles- Yeah." You quickly fetch some clothing and rush out after hanging up, and find this:

" You quickly fetch some clothing and rush out after hanging up, and find this:

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(minus hair, phone case and bag)

You find Garnet sitting on the bench near the sea. She looks so calm and cool. The sea is stretched in front of you and her. Almost on cue, she looks your way. Her attire has changed: she's wearing a basic outfit. The smile on your face is funny, and it's hilarious because you both smile and wave over and over again. Then eventually you walk over, and sit down. You look out to the sea as well, almost wanting to look away just to avoid her gaze. "Are you alright?" Garnet asks, turning to you. Your phone rings. "Louis. Can't reach me at the moment." He replies, "OK." You put it down. "Sorry." You blush, annoyingly. "All okay?" She asks again, and you nod. "And you?" You ask.

"Actually, no." You frown. "Not at all. And I don't even know why."

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