Entry #15

156 10 0

Jan 17, xxxx
Anbu ID# 121200
Assigned Alias- Chameleon 

"Anbu Chameleon Reporting.

Today marks the last week of these weekly reports. A couple days ago were the academy's graduation exam and team assessments. He made it. He is now a official member of team seven under special jounin Kakashi Hatake. He worked hard and made it Lord Hokage. After twelve years of us anbu watching and helping the boy grow, he made it. He is now a legal adult by shinobi standards and is expected to look after himself from this point onward. This will be my last report for this mission.

Today he had his first team meeting and completed a plethora of D-rank assignments. Afterwards, he trained until the sun went down, despite the traces of chilly weather. As the weather warms up, he is becoming more active once again. He ate afterward at the famed ramen stand. He made it home relatively safe and set himself to bed.

For the last time, Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

Ichiraku Ramen
cup ramen

It's hard to believe that I won't be giving anymore reports over the boy after sharing the duty with other anbu for twelve years. So for the last time, He seems to be doing well for himself. Overall Hokage-sama, I would call this a job well done.

Mission: From Shadows

Status: Successful

Signed XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Mission head Chameleon" 

This is a copied file. Original files stored in Hokage's personal archives.

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