Entry #7

199 11 30

Nov 22, xxxx
Anbu ID# 668630
Assigned Alias- Gecko

"Anbu Gecko Reporting.

Today the child seemed bothered. I suspect it had something to do with an event that happened yesterday before the switch. Turtle informed me of the small attempt of infiltration on the village. He failed in his job of watching over the boy and lost sight of him for approximately fifty two minutes. Due to our protocol, Turtle was exempt from the 'No interference' rule and was able to approach the boy after he had found him. Turtle tried to get answers as to what happened, but the boy remained silent. No further contact was made between the two. I will try again myself at a later date in my time watching over him. 

Besides the boys obvious troubles, he seems 'well'. He attended the academy and trained for three hours after academy time at abandoned training ground 1. He returned home at 6:47 P.M. He fell asleep rather early at 7:07 P.M.

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

cup ramen
a ham sandwich

The subject seems disturbed. Continuing to monitor.

Signed, XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Gecko"

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