Entry #9

175 11 15

Dec 6, xxxx
Anbu ID# 454489
Assigned Alias- Squid

"Anbu Squid Reporting.

Today he seemed better. Gecko had succeeded in retrieving the information from him, though I do not agree with her methods they proved fruitful. The boy now has several lacerations across his person. He was treated by the special ninja medical aids. He seems to be returning to his normal behavioral patterns. He seems to be refusing any counselor that has agreed to talk him through his recovery phase. It is mildly worrying but I have confidence he will pull through. 

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

cup ramen
dango (Provided by Interrogator Anko Mitarashi) 
green tea

The boy seems well.

Signed, XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Special Anbu Squid"

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