Entry #6

211 11 7

Nov 15, xxxx
Anbu ID# 609243
Assigned Alias- Turtle

"Anbu Turtle Reporting.

Today marks the weekly shift exchange. After an hour of Coyote running his damn mouth, I was finally able to take my position. The kid received a mild beating last week but his injuries seem nonexistent. Continuing to monitor. He woke up today at 6:07 A.M and prepared himself for the academy. However, he did not stay in class long as he and several others 'escaped' from the school. He along with:

Akamichi Choji
Inuzuka Kiba
Nara Shikamaru

Jumped out of their class window and ran from Chunin Iruka Umino. They succeeded in evading the teacher and spent the rest of class time in the school's training building. After class hours were over, the boy went to abandoned training ground two and meditated for three hours before training physically until sundown. He returned to his home at 8:24 P.M and fell asleep at 9:00 P.M.

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

cup ramen

Signed, XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Turtle"

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