Entry #4

264 10 25

Nov 1, xxxx
Anbu ID# 306956
Assigned Alias- Sloth

"Anbu Sloth Reporting.

Today I switched with Duck for the weekly exchange. My position was moved up a week due to the disappearance of Pony. Today he seemed well. He pulled a couple village wide pranks and did not receive any repercussions. He skipped school today which could hurt him in his studies a bit. He will need to be caught up on his endurance training as a result. Chunin Iruka Umino scolded the boy for his pranking and skipping and afterwards treated him to Ichiraku ramen where the boy held friendly conversation with the stall owners. The boy tried to go shopping for necessities such as clothes and food, but was turned away by the other shop owners. I have taken it upon myself to provide the boy with what he needs. The boy returned home at 7:42 P.M and fell asleep at 8:04 P.M.

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

Ichiraku Ramen (Provided by Chunin Iruka Umino)
cup ramen

Subject seems to have had a well enough day.

Signed, XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Sloth"

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