Entry #13

167 13 14

Jan 3, xxxx
Anbu ID# 773787
Assigned Alias- Vulture

"Anbu Vulture Reporting.

Two days ago I was called for reinforcement by Anbu owl. January 1st marked a New Years party were a riot broke out with the civilians. Their directive, to get rid of "it". . . The boy was in immediate danger which required our interference. It took 15 jounin, Owl and I to contain and disperse the angry villagers.

That's ridiculous Lord Hokage. This is a twelve year old boy for Kami's sake! What the hell is wrong with you? Does the civilian council have that much power over you that you can't do anything about this?! That is fucking stupid! Instead of sitting on your ass, do something about it! The boy was going to die, Hokage. DIE! HE is stripped of so many rights and privileges that other children have because the civilians have their heads so far up their asses and all you can t]do is have us watch over him for the shadows?! I call bullshit. You're a fucking joke.

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

Ramen because no one else wants to fucking feed him or sell him food
Milk because there's a fucking cow farm that he has to steal from
water that isn't even clean because it's all he can get from that shitty apartment tap

He is fucking terrified to go outside, so no he's not alright you fucking joke.

Signed XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Special Anbu Vulture

[Attached file]

I _____ _____ hereby give my two weeks notice.

Reason for termination: ______________


This is a copied document. Original files kept in Hokage's personal archives.

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