Entry #5

227 13 20

Nov 8, xxxx
Anbu ID# 142787
Assigned Alias- Coyote

"Anbu Coyote Reporting.

'Sup Hokage. I know only the Hokages have access to these reports. So how ya been? Anyways, I swapt out with Sloth today. The blond brat seems fine. Poor kid though. Today he was supposed to go to school right? Well he got cornered by some snot-nosed bullies. They caught him on his way into the building and pulled him around back. He took quite a beating, but it was nothing i could interfer with. I don't like that rule by the way, not being able to help the kid. Uh, they beat him for about a half hour. He had passsed out from exhaustion so I stepped in after the brats left and took him to the special medical ward for ninja since those stupid normie nurses won't  see him. He sustained nothing serious, just bruises. He was released at 11:32 A.M and skipped school. He arrived at his shitty, run down apartment that he has to live in at 11:47 A.M and did not leave the building for the remainder of the day. He fell asleep at 10:42 P.M without lunch or dinner.

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

one cup ramen
a glass of milk

Subject had a bad day, but he seems stable enough to be considered 'well'.

Signed, XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Coyote aka The best damn anbu behind Senior Kakashi Hatake!"

This is a copied document. Original files stored in Hokage's personal archives.

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