Entry #1

489 9 9

Oct 11, xxxx
Anbu ID# 316769
Assigned Alias- Tortoise 

"Anbu 'Tortoise' reporting.

The day is after his birthday. The subject seems to have sustained minimal injury considering the day previous was his birthday. Subject spent the day in his home away from others, thus he missed a day of academy. Around three in the afternoon subject left his home to run from his academy teacher. Possible reasons why may include the fact that subject did not want Chunin teacher, Iruka Umino, to bear witness to his injuries. Injuries sustained include, lacerations to his general body, several bruises across his arms and torso, and a possible minor concussion. Subject has not received help due to being rejected by the hospital nurses. Continuing to monitor subjects injuries.

Subjects sustenance intake consist of:

cup ramen
tap water

Subject seems to be doing well considering the circumstances. 

Signed, XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Tortoise"

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