Entry #12

162 11 2

Dec 27, xxxx
Anbu ID# 776538
Assigned Alias- Owl

"Anbu Owl Reporting.

Today I have swapt positions with Wolf. I need to apologize to Wolf. . . Anyways, last week was Christmas. All the anbu, well the ones who don't hate him, gathered in his tree outside his apartment and watched as he opened all of his presents from us. It was overwhelming with how many anbu got him free ramen coupons for Ichiraku's. As winter continues, it's getting increasingly colder. Out of concern for him I got him a thicker jacket and scarf. Not that he didn't have a jacket, it's just that it was for light weather not winter. I noticed his food has been growing a bit scarce. I wouldn't be worried because of his coupons, but it's winter. Ichiraku isn't open as much. I feel this is a notion that should be monitored.

Subject's sustenance intake consist of:

Ichiraku Ramen
Christmas cookies (Gifted to him on Christmas)
Christmas candies (Gifted to him on Christmas)

He seems happy.

Signed XXXXX XXXXX Alias- Special Anbu Owl."

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